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宜春地区土地总面积为3379.4万亩,其中山林面积1919万亩,森林覆被率为32%。森林主要集中在铜鼓、靖安、宜丰、万载等边远山区。由于经营不合理,伐木工进山“吃肥肉”“拔大毛”“抽壮丁”,然后“啃骨头”、“剃光头”,使森林资源急剧锐减,林分质量显著下降,有的地方成了不毛之地。目前,全区残次林由解放初期的200万亩增加到550万亩,立木蓄积量由平均每亩2.7m~3.下降到1.6m~3.。据1974年森林资源普查,全区森林活立木蓄积量为3144万m~3。从1979和1980年在铜鼓、靖安、宜丰三个重点产材县进行二类资源清查情况看,按这三个县资源下降的比例匡算,到1980年全区立木蓄积量下降了500万m~3,即六年时间下降16.3%。然而1980年7、8、9三个月和1981年5、 6、7三个月,又遭受二次乱砍滥伐,共砍伐木材达208万m~3,因此许多森林造成极度过伐。如万载县每年林木生长量约8.5万m~3,而每年采伐量达28.44万m~3.,为纯生长量的3.12倍。照此速度,全县森林资源10年左右就将基本耗尽。成熟林资源消耗如此之快,然而后备资源却十分薄弱,在全区现有440万亩中、幼林中,大部分由于没有做到适地适树,抚育管理不善,生长缓慢,蓄积量低,这势必造成青黄不接的局面。 Yichun area total land area of ​​3379.4 mu, of which 19190000 acres of mountain forest, forest cover rate of 32%. Forests are mainly concentrated in Tonggu, Jingan, Yifeng, Wanzai and other remote mountainous areas. Due to unreasonable management, lumberjack into the mountains, “eat fat,” “pull big hair,” “pumping strong Ding”, and then “gnawing bones”, “shaved head” so that sharp decline in forest resources, significantly reduced the quality of the stands, and in some places Has become a barren land. At present, the total number of secondary forests in the region increased from 2 million mu in the early liberation period to 5.5 million mu, and the stock volume of standing trees decreased from an average of 2.7 m ~ 3 per mu to 1.6 m ~ 3. According to the 1974 census of forest resources, the area’s total volume of forest standing timber was 31.44 million m 3. From 1979 and 1980 in the Tonggu, Jing’an, Yifeng three key production counties for second-class resources inventory situation, according to the decline in the proportion of resources in the three counties calculations, by 1980 the region dropped 5 million cubic meters of wood m ~ 3, that is, a decrease of 16.3% in six years. However, in the third, seventh, eighth and ninth months of 1980 and the third, fifth and sixth months of 1981 and 1981 respectively, they suffered another deforestation and cut 2.08 million m 3 of timber, resulting in extreme over-cutting of many forests. For example, the annual tree growth in Wanzai County is about 85,000 m 3, while the annual cutting amount is 284,400 m 3, which is 3.12 times of the pure growth. According to this rate, the county’s forest resources will be basically depleted in about 10 years. Mature forest resource consumption is so fast, but the reserve resources are very weak, in the region’s existing 440 million mu of young and middle-aged, mostly due to not be properly adapted tree, tending poor management, slow growth, low volume, This will inevitably result in a situation that is irrelevant.
△世界上森林覆被率最大的洲是北美洲,森林覆被率达38%。△世界上森林覆被率最小的洲是大洋洲,森林覆被率仅为11%。△世界上按人均森林面积最多的洲是大洋洲, △ The world’
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麦维德(David Michael)波士顿咨询公司资深合伙人兼董事总经理、大中华区主席麦维德的演讲,是以全中文进行的。本科就读于哈佛大学经济系、随后获得斯坦福大学MBA学位的麦维