重走先人之路 真实的“闯关东”

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300多年以前,一股“闯关东”的浪潮席卷山东。齐鲁大地上的农民们推着小车.挑着担子.用两条腿开拓出一条充满血泪的“闯关东”之路。一个“闯”字,沸腾了他们的生活,也造就了他们的性格。当时光渐渐冲淡这段历史时,一部电视剧《闯关东》.将人们尘封的记忆重新唤醒。主人公朱开山,似乎就是他们的时代背影。“闯关东”人群的后代如今生活怎样?是否真的如朱开山般智、勇、忠、义?……记者沿着当年“闯关东”的线路.走进了这个群体。无论是200多年前的周氏兄弟,还是近50年前的殷敬海、寇前塘.他们像一群驰骋在东北三省茫茫雪原上的“西部牛仔”.挎枪、骑马、闯天下;他们大块吃肉,大碗喝酒.豪气冲天.又充满民族正义感;他们那段辛酸而又激扬的历史.正是一代代山东人的英雄本色。 300 years ago, a wave of “break through the gateway” swept through Shandong. Qilu peasants pushing the trolley on the ground. Lug the burden. With two legs to open up a full of blood and tears “break through the gateway ” road. A “break ” word, boiling their lives, but also created their character. At that time, the time gradually diluted this period of history, a drama “break through the East.” Will people wake up the dusty memories. Zhu Kaishan, the hero, seems to be the back of their times. How do the descendants of the “Guandong” people nowadays live? Are they really as Zhu Kai-shan wise, brave, loyal and righteous? ... Reporters walked along the line of “going to the east of Guandu” in that year and entered this group. Whether it is more than 200 years ago, Zhou brothers, or nearly 50 years ago, Yin Jinghai, Kouqiangtang. They are like a group of ride in the vast three northeastern provinces on the snowy “cowboy” .Shocked, riding, breaking into the world; they are big Eat meat, drink bowl. Pride. And full sense of national justice; their bitter and exciting history of that period. It is the heroic nature of generations of Shandong people.