Solution of the Poisson-Boltzmann Equation for a Cylindrical Particle with a Limited Length: Functio

来源 :Chemical Research in Chinese Universities | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liyqi
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With the help of the method of separation of variables and the Debye-Hüchel approximation, the Poisson-Boltzmann equation that describes the distribution of the potential in the electrical double layer of a cylindrical particle with a limited length has been firstly solved under a very low potential condition. Then with the help of the functional analysis theory this equation has been further analytically solved under general potential conditions and consequently, the corresponding surface charge densities have been obtained. Both the potential and the surface charge densities coincide with those results obtained from the Debye-Hüchel approximation when the very low potential of zeΨkT is introduced. With the help of the method of separation of variables and the Debye-Hüchel approximation, the Poisson-Boltzmann equation that describes the distribution of the potential in the electrical double layer of a cylindrical particle with a limited length has been been solved under a very low Then with the help of the functional analysis theory this equation has been further analytically solved under general potential conditions and therefore, the corresponding surface charge densities have been obtained. Both the potential and the surface charge densities coincide with those results obtained from the Debye-Hüchel approximation when the very low potential of zeΨkT is introduced.
摘 要  课堂教学就是教师的“教”和学生的“学”的过程,而能把这两者最好联系起来的方法就是课堂上的提问。一个好的提问不仅能激发学生的学习热情,活跃课堂气氛,更能发展学生的思维,培养其联想、举一反三的能力。但是提问并不是盲目地抛出一大堆过难的问题,从而打击了学生的学习积极性,使其望而生畏;或者是提出的问题过于简单,连差生都不用动脑就能随口答出,这样就达不到提问的目的。  【关键词】提问;困惑;技巧 
希捷(Seagate)IDE硬盘主要分为两类:高端的酷鱼系列(Barracuda ATA/Ⅱ/Ⅲ/Ⅳ)和中低端的U系列(U4/U5/U6/U8)。希捷在1999年1月1日以后生产的硬盘,编号方式都是由四部分组成
幼儿园教学活动中的问题设计是指教师依据具体的教学活动目标,围绕以幼儿发展为本的核心理念,针对不同知识的特点、幼儿的认知水平和已有经验,从问题的类型、难度、梯度等方面选择最佳教学问题的过程。问题设计是教学活动设计的核心,通过设计问题并在教学活动中运用,可以调整幼儿的思维,促进幼儿知识的建构,提高教学质量。本文试图分析幼儿园教师在教学问题设计中存在的问题,寻求改进教师问题设计的方法。    一、教学问