李××男性68岁住院号255358 1986年6月5日以双眼视力下降2年10个月、右眼失明7个月入院。自1983年开始,曾先后11次在眼科门诊就医,诊断为“双眼老年性白内障”“视网膜动脉硬化”,“高血压病”。1985年5月曾在耳鼻喉科行左鼻息肉摘除术。同年10月,右眼视力从0.9突然下降为无光感,右眼球突出,(突出度17~15/100mm),上睑轻度下垂,眼球各方活动受限,瞳孔5mm,直接对光反应消失,间接对光反应存在。左眼视力0。9,眼前节无异常。双眼晶体皮质混浊,眼底除视网膜动脉硬化外,
Lee × × male 68-year-old hospital number 255358 June 5, 1986 with binocular vision decreased 2 years and 10 months, the right eye blindness 7 months admitted. Since 1983, he has been in ophthalmic clinics for 11 times and has been diagnosed as “binocular senile cataract”, “retinal atherosclerosis” and “hypertension.” May 1985 left ENT surgery in left nasal polyps. In the same year in October, the visual acuity of the right eye suddenly dropped from 0.9 to no light, the right eyeball was prominent (the degree of projection was 17-15 / 100mm), the upper eyelid was slightly droopped, the activities of the eyeballs were limited, the pupil was 5mm and direct light reaction Disappear, indirect light reaction exists. Left eye vision 0.9, anterior segment without exception. Binocular crystal cortex opacity, retinal atresia in addition to atherosclerosis,