
来源 :幼儿教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shinboy_zsl
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在组织“我爱吃的食物”这一主题活动时,为了让幼儿更加直观地认识一些蔬菜的特征,我特意带来了一些绿豆芽。孩子们一下子兴奋起来,大家争先恐后地发言。“我见过大大的蚕豆芽。”“上次去外婆家,我看见了从泥土里刚刚钻出来的豆芽。”一向爱提问题的杨明一本正经地说:“连老师,豆芽是从什么地方长出来的,你能解释一下吗?”“这个问题让我们一起来解决,好吗?”我一边说,一边给孩子们每人发了几颗绿豆,“请你们仔细看一看,豆子的什么地方可以长出芽儿来?”孩子们拿着豆子左看看,右瞧瞧,最后一致认为芽儿是从豆子的“肚脐眼”里长出来的。为此,我们决定做个发芽小实验。两天后的早上,韩愈阳在种植区大声喊道:“快来看,绿豆发芽了!”孩子们一拥而上。“哇!原来豆芽不是从‘肚脐眼’那儿发出来的。”“是从‘肚脐眼’旁边长出来的。”“不对,爸爸告诉我,豆子的胚芽能发出芽来。”哦,原来是这样,孩子们终于找到了答案。 In organizing the theme activity “I Love to Eat,” I specially brought some green bean sprouts to make young children more intuitively understand the characteristics of some vegetables. The children excited at once, everyone scrambling to speak. “I’ve seen a lot of broad bean sprouts.” “Last time I went to my grandmother, I saw the sprouts that had just been drilled from the soil.” Yang Ming, who always loves to ask questions, said solemnly: “Even the teacher, Grow up, can you explain? ”“ This issue let us work together, okay? ”I said, while giving each of the children a few green beans,“ Please take a closer look at the beans Where do we grow buds? ”The children took the beans to the left and looked to the right, finally agreeing that buds grew out of the“ navel ”of beans. To this end, we decided to be a sprouting experiment. In the morning two days later, Han Yuyang shouted in the planting area: “Come on, mung bean sprouted!” The children swarmed in. “Wow! The original sprouts did not come from ’navel eyes.’” “I grew up next to the belly button.” “No, my dad told me that the germ of the bean sprouts.” Oh, it turned out to be In this way, the children finally found the answer.
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