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温室纸袋育苗,就是在温室内用纸袋培育苗木的一种新方法。当苗木生长到一定高度时,连袋一同出室栽植,采用这种育苗技术,方法简单,可使苗木生长期延长一个月左右,果树提前一年嫁接,成活率比常规栽植法提高30%左右。特别是在一些无霜期短的高寒地区或早春无雨的干旱地区效果更好。其方法是: 一、种子处理栽种时事先须将种子进行处理。首先,种子用1%硫酸亚铁液进行消毒,30分钟后捞出再用清水冲洗一次,然后用40℃温水浸泡,每天换水一次;大粒种 Greenhouse paper bag nursery, is a new method of cultivating seedlings with paper bags in the greenhouse. When the seedlings grow to a certain height, even with the bag out of the room planted with this nursery technology, the method is simple, seedlings can extend the period of about one month, one year ahead of the tree grafting, the survival rate increased by about 30% than the conventional planting . Especially in some frost-free areas in the alpine region or early spring rain arid areas better. The method is: First, seed treatment planted in advance to be processed seeds. First, the seeds were disinfected with 1% ferrous sulfate solution. After 30 minutes, they were removed and rinsed again with clean water and then soaked in warm water at 40 ° C for one day. Large seeds
她叫陈立,今年27岁,在她3岁时不幸患上小儿麻痹症,虽然父亲带着她四处求医,但这个聪明又漂亮的女孩却从此再也没能站起来。 Her name is Chen Li. I am 27 years old. I was