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采用恒定应变速率拉伸试验研究了由喷射成型制成的15SiCp/Al-2618复合材料在438和493K下的应变行为对不同应变速率下SiCp/Al-2618的应力-应变曲线的分析表明,颗粒复合材料表现出一个临界应变速率的行为.对不同应变条件下SiCp损伤数量的定量统计分析表明,SiCp/Al-2618的临界速率的存在是由于SiCp的存在所引起大于临界速率变形,材料中SiCp将大量损伤.位错在粒子前堆积,又通过攀移越过粒子而消失的模型,经过对常数的调整,可以与试验测定数据较好地符合.而且,上述模型可用于定量预测形变窗口,提供强化粒子在形变和使用过程中不被破坏的温度和粒子尺寸的范围 Strain behavior of 15SiCp / Al-2618 composites fabricated by injection molding at 438 and 493 K was studied by constant strain rate tensile test. The analysis of the stress-strain curves of SiCp / Al-2618 at different strain rates showed that the particle Composites exhibit a behavior of critical strain rate. Quantitative statistical analysis of SiCp damage under different strain conditions shows that the critical rate of SiCp / Al-2618 is due to the existence of SiCp more than the critical rate of deformation, the material SiCp will be a lot of damage. Dislocations accumulate in front of the particles and disappear by climbing over the particles. After the adjustment of the constants, the disaggregation can be in good agreement with the experimental data. Moreover, the above model can be used to quantitatively predict deformation windows, provide a range of temperatures and particle sizes that enhance particle integrity during deformation and use
小兔菲菲黎巴嫩著名诗人纪伯伦说过:“爱除自身外无施与,除自身外无接受。爱不占有,也不被占有,因为爱在爱中满足了。” Rabbit Feifei The famous Lebanese poet, Gibralon
以“a=λb”作为题设条件的解析几何综合题,已成为向量与解析几何融合的一大“热点”.共线向量的条件如何顺利转化,成为解决此类问题的关键.本文作以总结. The analytic geo
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奇妙的大自然赐予了天鹅高贵柔和的外表:优美的身段、浑圆的体形、秀丽的轮廓、洁白的色泽……天鹅身上的一切都在展现着高雅和美丽。 Wonderful nature gives swan eleganc