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中国县域占国土面积及人口绝大多数这一事实,决定了县域作为“三农”问题主战场的地位。自党的十六大首次提出“县域”这一概念并号召“壮大县域经济”、十六届三中全会进一步强调“大力发展县域经济”以来,县域发展问题被提上了议事日程并得到了空前的重视和关注,中国已走向县域经济时代。县域发展成为“三农”问题的出路。以湖南县域发展、服务“三农”为己任的湖南省农村发展研究院,将县域作为了推进“四化两型”建设的主战场,并在相关职能部门的推动下建立了 The fact that counties in China account for the vast majority of the land area and population has determined the status of the county as the main battlefield for the “three rural issues.” Since the 16th CPC National Congress put forward the concept of “county” for the first time and called for “strengthening the county economy”, and since the Third Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee further emphasized that “vigorously develop the county economy”, the issue of county development has been put on The agenda and received unprecedented attention and attention, China has moved to the county economy era. The development of county has become a way out of the issue of “agriculture, rural areas and farmers”. Hunan Provincial Institute of Rural Development, with Hunan’s county development and service as its own responsibility, has taken counties as the main battlefield for advancing the construction of “four modernizations and two types of construction” and was established under the impetus of relevant functional departments
1月18日,朗讯科技公司与中国华晶电子集团公司签订向华晶订购通讯专用集成电路芯片的合同。 两年前的今天,朗讯科技公司和中国华晶电子集团公司及中国电子进出口总公司在无
在我国英语学习热已经是一个普遍的现象。为了适应社会的要求,在聋校也逐步开设了英语课。本文浅谈了如何提高聋生记忆英语词汇的效率。 Learning English in our country i
举世瞩目的第15届世界杯足球赛开幕前夕,国际足联主席阿维兰热先生在百忙中回答了本刊记音的提问. Attracting worldwide attention on the eve of the opening of the 15th