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《情满珠江》、《和平年代》、《军歌嘹亮》一路行来,李舒被称作“主旋律导演”。10余年间,李舒也因为这几部剧而使人们认同了他。李舒前后三次获得“全国最佳导演奖”。《情满珠江》是第一部反映改革开放的电视剧,获得了“飞天奖”、“金鹰奖”、“五个一工程奖”;《和平年代》则是有奖必拿,一年中摘到12个国家级奖项。2002年《军歌嘹亮》在央视播出后获得了收视率第一,火了孙红雷,也让李舒进入全国十佳导演的行列。李舒导演在接受记者采访时称:“我认为获奖是意外的收获,不是预期的,预期往往会落空,当然我也希望这次能再次收获意外,希望好运气还能够光临,再给我一次惊喜。” “Love Pearl”, “Peacetime”, “military glory” all the way to come, Li Shu is called “the main theme of the director.” More than 10 years, Li Shu also because of these plays and make people agree with him. Li Shu won three times before and after “National Best Director Award ”. “Full of Love Pearl River” is the first TV series to reflect the reform and opening up, won the “Flying Award”, “Golden Eagle Award”, “Five One Award”; “Peacetime” is a prize will be Take, a year won 12 national awards. In 2002, “The Song of the Songs” won the ratings of CCTV after being broadcast first, igniting Honglei and letting Li Shu into the top ten directors in the country. Director Li Shu said in an interview: “I think the award is an unexpected gain, not expected, expected to often fall through, of course, I also hope this time again to reap the unexpected, I hope good luck can come, give me A surprise. ”
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