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近年来,教科社逐步从内涵增长向资源整合、资本运作的发展方式转型,从传统出版向数字出版转型,从单一的出版向提供教育服务转型。2013年,其利润突破1个亿,各项指标创历史最好水平。执掌教育科学出版社近20年,所广一带领教科社在推进体制改革、打造教育出版品牌、拓展产业布局以及推进数字化转型、加快“走出去”等方面,走出了一条改革创新的路子。近几年,教科社的发行码洋以每年1亿的规模增长,2013年生产码洋、发行码洋突破15亿,利润突破1个亿,各项指标创历史最好水平。日前,中国教育科学研究院副院长、教育科学出版社社长所广一接受《出 In recent years, the educational science and technology community has gradually shifted from the connotation growth to the mode of resource integration and capital operation development, the transition from traditional publishing to digital publishing, and the transition from single publishing to provision of educational services. In 2013, its profit exceeded 1 billion with various indicators reaching the best record in history. In charge of education science publishing house for nearly 20 years, led by Guangyuan science and education agency in promoting institutional reform, build educational publishing brand, expand industrial layout and promote digital transformation, speeding “going out ” and so on, out of a reform and innovation . In recent years, the number of issuance of educational science and education yards has increased by 100 million annually. In 2013, the production yangyang, the issuance of yingyang exceeded 1.5 billion and the profit exceeded one hundred million. The indicators hit the best record in history. Recently, the vice president of China Academy of Educational Sciences, Education Science Press Guangyi accept "out
目的 在早期和晚期动脉粥样硬化模型上研究新化合物哌芳安他抗动脉粥样硬化的机制。方法 大鼠或家兔随机分为正常对照、模型对照和哌芳安他给药组 ,其中模型对照和哌芳安他
一、2002年前三季度福建外贸运行特点 2002年1—9月,福建对外贸易在去年的基础上,又上了一个大台阶。据海关统计,进出口贸易总额达207.7亿美元,比上年同期增长26.47%。其中,
最近碰到一项加工用于铸制冠状塑料盖的阴阳模具的任务。该盖的内径191.1mm,外径196.2mm,而盖部为一半径533.4mm弧面,其 Recently encountered the task of processing a f
The behavior of the UPD of Sb(Ⅲ) at a platinum anode has beell systema tically studied using various electrochemical techniques such as potential sweep, potent
有位朋友,在一家大公司任职,干得不错,但提出了离职。我问他为什么,他的回答让我意外,“我涨工资了!”  “好事儿啊,涨工资还走?”  “就涨了200元,简直是对我的侮辱!”他上一次涨工资时,收入几乎翻了一倍,这次的200元让他产生了巨大的心理落差。朋友似乎忘了,上次收入倍增,是因为他被提拔到一个重要岗位,跟这次的200元完全没有可比性。但愤怒让他失去了理智。  或许是老板对他不满,有意捧杀?我这么