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常德市鼎城区武陵镇供电所所长梁运明,自1974年参加工作,在电力战线基层岗位“摸爬滚打”整整32个春秋,先后担任过浦沅变电站站长、牛鼻滩营业所主任、鼎城电力局客户服务中心主任等职。这位出生山区农村的“电公仆”,情系广大群众,牢记共产党人为民服务宗旨,以《电力法》、《电力设施保护条例》为准绳,以情感人、以理服人,与武陵镇城乡电力客户结下了深厚的情谊。电力企业,属于群众公益行业,一是要搞好队伍行业作风建设,强化深化服务,为构建和谐社会作贡献,也让老百姓深感党和政府的温暖;二是确保电力网的安全正常运行,避免各种安全事故发生;三是确保电费及时回笼,每月结零,保证国家电力企业资金正常运转,发 Liang Yunming, director of the power supply department of Wuling Town, Dingcheng District, Changde City, joined the work since 1974. During the entire Spring and Autumn Period, he has served as the director of PU Yuan Substation and director of Niunan Beach Business Office. City Power Bureau Customer Service Center Director and other staff. The electric servant born in the rural areas of mountainous areas longed for the broad masses of the people and kept in mind the communists’ purpose of serving the people. Based on the “Electricity Law” and the “Regulations on the Protection of Electric Power Facilities”, the “servants of the public servants” Urban and rural electricity customers have a profound friendship. Electric power enterprises belong to the mass public welfare industries. One is to improve the style of the workforce in the ranks, strengthen their service, and make contributions to building a harmonious society. They also make the people feel the warmth of the party and the government. The other is to ensure the normal operation of the power network and to avoid All kinds of security incidents; third is to ensure timely return of electricity, monthly zero, to ensure the normal operation of state power enterprises, the fat