
来源 :航空工艺技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenghao131
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我厂自一九七七年试制新机以来,防锈铝和铸铝ZL301在进行阳极化处理时,曾出现膜层变黑和产生严重腐蚀,因而成批报废。经过一年多的摸索和试验,找出了原因和解决办法。防锈铝和铸铝ZL301经硫酸阳极化后氧化膜产生严重腐蚀和变黑的原因有三: 1.在硫酸阳极化时,阴阳极面积的比例 Since our plant trial production of a new aircraft in 1977, rust-proof aluminum and cast aluminum ZL301 in the anodizing, there have been black and serious film corrosion, and thus scrapped in batches. After more than a year of exploration and experiment, we found out the reasons and solutions. Rust-proof aluminum and cast aluminum ZL301 after oxidation by sulfuric acid oxidation film has serious corrosion and black for three reasons: 1. In the sulfuric acid anodization, the ratio of the area of ​​the anode and the cathode
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Background: In this study, we identify the nature of the immunological response of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) and lamina propria gastric ly
又是年末岁首,北京的冬天,西北风经常把人刮得找不到北。 然而与自然界的大风相比,各种大大小小会议室里的会风经常也把人刮得找不到北。一位刚进京的想摸摸明年的“气候形
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AIM: To screen the immunogenic membrane proteins of Shigella flexneri 2a 2457T. METHODS: The routine two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2-DE) a