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再生障碍性贫血是骨髓造血机能遭到损害所致的一种严重疾病,患者绝大多数于几个月内死亡。近几年来由于中西医的密切配合,对本病治疗已取得了显著的疗效。今就手头文献以综合讨论,供作参考。一、病因与病机再生障碍性贫血分原发性和级发性两种。原发性者其发病原因不明;级发性的原因可归纳为以下几点:(一)物理性:镭、X 线、原子能等放射线之照射。(二)药物中毒:如磺胺、安替匹林、氯霉素、链霉素、金霉素及金属盐(苯、砷、铋、汞)等。(三)严重感染。(四)其它:如西门氏病、粘液性水肿。有的学者认为长期的贫血、全身营养障碍亦可转变成再生障碍性贫血。再生障碍性贫血的发病机制,祖国医学认为主要关键在于脾肾虚弱,其中尤以肾虚占最主要地位,而为本病的内在因素。如果脾肾强壮,即使受到了某些外在的刺激因素而抑制骨髓的造血功能时,脾能发挥其运化之权,使气血充沛;而肾亦能发挥其生骨髓的生理功能,以补偿其不足,也就不一定能形成本病。除非外来因素的刺激程度超过了脾肾的负担能力,或由于骨髓对某些外来刺激感受性极为敏感时,才能形成本病。 Aplastic anemia is a serious disease caused by damage to the function of bone marrow hematopoiesis, the vast majority of patients died within a few months. In recent years due to the close cooperation of Chinese and Western medicine, the treatment of this disease has achieved significant results. This article on the current comprehensive discussion for reference. First, the etiology and pathogenesis Aplastic anemia, sub-primary and secondary two. The origin of its etiology is unknown; the reasons for the level of hair can be summarized as the following points: (a) physical: radium, X-ray, atomic radiation and other radiation. (B) drug poisoning: such as sulfonamides, antipyrine, chloramphenicol, streptomycin, chlortetracycline and metal salts (benzene, arsenic, bismuth, mercury) and so on. (C) Serious infections. (D) Other: such as Simon’s disease, myxedema. Some scholars believe that long-term anemia, systemic dystrophy can also be transformed into aplastic anemia. The pathogenesis of aplastic anemia, the motherland medicine that the key is the spleen and kidney weakness, especially kidney deficiency accounted for the most important position, and the internal factors of the disease. If the spleen and kidney are strong, the spleen can exert its right to transport blood even if it is inhibited by certain external stimuli to promote the hematopoietic function of the bone marrow; and the kidney can also exert the physiological functions of its raw bone marrow Compensation for its lack of, it may not be able to form the disease. Unless the external factors to stimulate the spleen and kidney more than the affordability, or due to bone marrow sensitivity to some very sensitive to external stimuli, to form the disease.
特发性血小板减少性紫瘢(Idiopathicthrombocytopenic purpura,ITP)是以血小板减少为基础的一种出血性疾病。表现为皮肤粘膜自发性出血,可有大片瘀斑,出血时间延长,血块收缩
丹麦哲学家齐克果在其Purity of Heart Is to Will One Thing一书中详细讨论了求善问题。文本起初,齐克果重复了柏拉图“人皆求善”的原则,认为心灵的纯洁是求一事,而一个人