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耕田的准备工作在锡尔詹南面大约10公里是惹人注目大理岩,安桑山脉高出平原82米,处于人迹稀少的荒漠之中。我们在七月初研究的这块田,位于大理岩北面约1.25公里,面朝一个小寺院的方向,Imam Zadeh′Ali。在这年的此时,大部分必需准备耕作的田在大理岩的周围,这是能观察到的。这儿可以看到从曼宰拉巴德的村庄中来的几个农民在脱粒和扬谷,及将新近收获的谷物过秤,在他们之后又看到了从附近的Izzalabad村庄来的农夫正在犁已收割而为将要播种谷子或芝麻的田。总的耕田工作是这样进行的。首先,在灌溉前,用食草羊的粪给田施肥,接着播种,然后犁田和立即使用平板平整土地,再在低洼地上用田埂围成小块的田地,接着准备灌溉。田埂把田分成更小的无规律的田块,这叫瘠土。显然易见,每小块田的构成是根据它的情况同样灌溉的,如上面所述。在田块的旁边是一条主要的水渠,与“卡那”连接。从这条水渠的水流入较小的水渠,当灌溉瘠土时,它可以开放,使水流入瘠土,但现在可以 Farming preparations Approximately 10 km south of Silken is a striking marble, 82 km above the plain in the mountains of Ansan, in deserted deserts. The field we studied in early July is located about 1.25 kilometers north of the marble, facing the direction of a small temple, Imam Zadeh’Ali. At this time of year, most of the fields that must be prepared for cultivation are around the marble, which is observable. Here it is seen that several peasants from the villages of Manjarajbjah thresh and thresh and weighed the newly harvested grain, after which they saw the farmer who is coming from the nearby Izzalabad village being plowed and reaping To be sown millet or sesame field. The total farming work is done this way. First, before irrigating, fertilize the fields with grazing sheep, then sow them, then plow the fields and immediately flatten the fields with land, then enclose them in small fields with paddies and prepare them for irrigation. Tian 埂 Tian into smaller irregular plots, called barren soil. Obviously, the composition of each small field is equally irrigated according to its situation, as described above. Next to the field there is a main canal, connected to Kana. The water from this channel flows into smaller channels, and when irrigated, it can be opened to allow water to flow into the soil, but now it is possible
介绍了出口新西兰CKD9B型内燃机车冷却系统的组成、各主要部件的技术性能参数及设计方法。 The composition of the cooling system of CKD9B diesel locomotive exported t
<正>1998年6月9日,电力系特邀山东矿院机器人研究中心的李贻斌教授来我系作了题为“当代机器人的现状及发展方向”的报告。 李教授是国家“863机器人研究项目”主持人之一,