近几年,由于各种会议过多过滥,会议费发出占机关行政管理费支出的比重居高不下。尽管中央三令五申要求节减行政经费,精减会议,但由于多方面原因收效不大。为迅速改变这种状况,笔者建议改革会议费管理办法。 1.实行“分口包干,自我控制”办法。根据历年会议费支出情况,合理地核定会议费包干基数。年初把指标一次性地划归各主管部门掌握,专款专用,超支不补,结
In recent years, due to the excessive number of meetings, the proportion of meeting expenses that took up the administrative expenses of the administration of the government remained high. Although the Central Committee repeatedly made repeated demands for reducing administrative expenses and streamlining meetings, it has not achieved much success due to many reasons. In order to quickly change this situation, I propose to reform the management of conference fees. 1. The implementation of “sub-contract, self-control ” approach. According to the calendar year conference fee expenses, reasonable approval of the conference fee package base. At the beginning of the year, the indicators are allocated to various administrative departments at a time, and the special funds are used.