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在我所接触的企业家中,邹国营属于沉稳果敢又重实干的那一类人。在邹国营和帅康集团的发展史上,有四件事具有特殊意义:一是1992年10月,邹国营研制并开发了中国新一代深型吸油烟机,同时,成立了宁波帅康厨房设备有限公司,产品投入市场后,一场吸油机革命从此在中国市场悄然开始。二是1993年,帅康成为宁波乡镇企业中首家实行股份合作制试点企业。股份合作制这在今天是一件再平常不过的事了,但在当时,许多职工都存有恐惧心理,不愿意认股,为此,邹国营拿出家中所有的积蓄,带头认股,使企业得以顺利转制,为帅康今后的发展奠定了坚实的基础。三是1994年2月,邹国营力排众议,果断决策,投入425万元在中央电视台打产品广告,而当时帅康的年销售额还不足6000万。这一决策的结果是,帅康产品销售量以月50%的速度递增,短短3年时间,帅康吸油烟机的市场综合占有率、销售份额、覆盖率三项指标每年名列全国第一。四是以1999年11月邹国营毅然决策,投资3000万美元,与澳大利亚一家著名的跨国公司合资,开发生产帅康电热水器,全面展开了帅康的品牌延伸战略。邹国营今年49岁,他是从乡村小厂的普通职工、销售员逐步成长起来的现代企业家。经过10多年的创业,他把仅有15万元资产、几间破旧厂房的作坊式小厂,经营成为拥有7亿元资产、利税超亿元的大型企业集团。为此,他先后获得了“全国优秀改革家”、“全国优秀乡镇企业家”、省、市优秀共产党员、劳动模范等荣誉称号。同时,他还是浙江省党代会代表和宁波市人大代表。 Among the entrepreneurs I have come into contact with, Zou Guoying is a type of person who is calm, courageous, and hardworking. In the development history of Zou Guoying and Shuaikang Group, there are four things that have special significance: First, in October 1992, Zou Guoying developed and developed a new generation of deep range hoods in China. At the same time, Ningbo Shuaikang Kitchen Equipment Co., Ltd. was established. After the products were put on the market, an oil-absorber revolution began quietly in the Chinese market. Second, in 1993, Shuaikang became the first pilot enterprise of the stock cooperative system in Ningbo township enterprises. The joint-stock cooperative system is a normal thing today. However, at the time, many employees had fear and were unwilling to subscribe for shares. To this end, Zou Guoying took up all his family’s savings and took the lead to subscribe for shares. The successful transformation of the company has laid a solid foundation for the future development of Shuaikang. Third, in February 1994, Zou Guoying organized a decisive decision and invested 4.25 million yuan in advertising on CCTV. At that time, Shuaikang had an annual sales of less than 60 million. The result of this decision is that Shuaikang’s product sales increase at a rate of 50% a month. In a short period of three years, the comprehensive market share, sales share, and coverage of Shuaikang range hoods rank first in the country. Fourth, in November 1999, Zou Guoying resolutely decided to invest 30 million U.S. dollars in a joint venture with a well-known Australian multinational company to develop and manufacture Shuaikang Electric Water Heater and launched a comprehensive Shuaikang brand extension strategy. Zou Guoying is 49 years old this year. He is a modern entrepreneur who has gradually grown up from the ordinary employees and salesmen of small village factories. After more than 10 years of entrepreneurship, he managed a small workshop with only 150,000 yuan in assets and a few old factory buildings as a large-scale enterprise group with assets of 700 million yuan and profits and taxes exceeding 100 million yuan. To this end, he has won such honorary titles as “National Outstanding Reformers”, “National Outstanding Township Entrepreneurs”, provincial and municipal outstanding party members, and model workers. At the same time, he is also a representative of Zhejiang Provincial Party Congress and a representative of Ningbo Municipal People’s Congress.
尊敬的中联办邓哲开副主任尊敬的贵州省刘长贵副省长各位嘉宾、各位领导、各位朋友今天 ,是我们香港国酒茅台之友协会成立暨理事会就职典礼 ,承蒙各位政府领导、各位尊贵嘉宾
经农业部审查批准,绿色食品玉米、大米等二十项标准作为中华人民共和国行业标准予以发布。各项标准的编号、名称如下:(一)NY/T418—2000 绿色食品玉米(二)NY/T419—2000 绿
九年前的 3月 2 2日 ,长二捆火箭发射失败。为了牢记这一时刻 ,教育和警示大家 ,1993年原航天总公司党组把每年的 3月 2 2日确定为航天质量日。每到这一天 ,都要开展不同形式
山西天脊煤化集团有限公司新增年产 2 7万吨硝酸装置及其配套工程 ,日前在潞城市破土动工 ,这标志着占据全国复合肥市场 15 %的天脊牌复合肥将突破制约生产能力的瓶颈 ,向年
直 9、直 11直升机及涡轴 8A航空发动机已取得了民航总局颁发的型号合格证,这标志着国产直升机正式进入民用市场,这是我国在航空高技术领域中军转民的一项重要突破。   直 9
通过参加航天行业标准和国军标的清理整顿工作的实践 ,指出了目前标准在内容、技术要求、可操作性、内容表述等方面存在的问题 ,并提出了改进的意见。 Through participatio