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河北省崇礼县高家营乡乌拉哈达村林业队,为提高大田栽植葡萄达到当年栽苗、当年放条、次年结果的目的。在塑料大棚内用大塑料袋培育巨峰葡萄苗获得成功。平均成活率达95.5%,苗高5—10厘米,需时24天左右。用这种方法提前育苗比在露地直接栽苗有如下优点: 1.苗木的成活率高。我们在1985年春育苗两次,苗育到5—10厘米高时,第一次成活率达98%,耗时26天;第二次成活率达95%,耗时22天。育苗期间,大田里司以进行开沟、换土、施肥、也可种一茬春菜。定植时将塑料袋撕破,将苗放入定植穴(沟)内,踏实后浇水,成活率可达100%,且不缓苗。 2.能抵御低温,促进葡萄苗健壮生长。在北方寒冷地区,采用此法可在塑料大棚、温室内育苗,待 Chongli County, Hebei Province, Gaojiaying Township Wulahada village forestry team, to increase the field planting grapes to achieve the year planted seedlings, then put the article, the purpose of the next year results. In the plastic shed with plastic bags to cultivate Kyoho grape seedlings success. The average survival rate of 95.5%, 5-10 cm tall, takes about 24 days. In this way nursery earlier than in the open planted directly has the following advantages: 1. Seedling survival rate. We raised nursery twice in spring 1985, when nurturing to 5-10 cm high, the first survival rate of 98%, took 26 days; the second survival rate of 95%, took 22 days. During nursery, Ota Division to conduct ditching, soil replacement, fertilization, but also a kind of spring vegetables. Plastic bags will be torn when planting, the seedlings into the planting hole (ditch), practical watering, the survival rate of up to 100%, and not Huanmiao. 2. Can withstand low temperature, promote vigorous growth of grape seedlings. In the northern cold areas, using this method can be plastic greenhouse, greenhouse nursery, to be
【摘要】在英语教学过程中,基于网络教学平台的交互式学习模式能够让传统英语写作教学和网络实时教学更好地融合,使得英语写作课堂教学环境得到进一步改善。本文首先阐述基于网络教学平台的交互式学习模式应用于英语写作教学中的背景以及意义,然后通过问卷调查以及访谈的方法,探讨基于网络教学平台的交互式学习模式对大学生英语写作自我效能感的影响,最后指出了进一步提升学生英语写作自我效能感的策略。  【关键词】交互式学
Novel configuration for cross-gain modulation (XGM) wavelength conversion based on the single-port-coupled semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA), in which the i