Genotypic and environmental variation in cadmium, chromium, arsenic, nickel, and lead concentrations

来源 :Journal of Zhejiang University Science(Life Science) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xunitt1
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Genotypic and environmental variation in Cd, Cr, As, Ni and Pb concentrations of grains, and the relationships between these heavy metals and Fe, Zn were investigated using 9 rice genotypes grown in 6 locations for two successive years. Significant genotypic variation was detected in the five heavy metal concentrations in grains, indicating the possibility to reduce the concentration of these heavy metals in grains through breeding approach. The environmental effect varied with metal, with Pb and Ni having greater variation than the other three metals. There was significant genotype-environment (location) interaction of the concentrations of all five heavy metals in grains, suggesting the importance of cultivar choice in producing rice with low heavy metal concentrations in grains for a given location. Correlation analysis showed that Cd and As, Cr and Ni, and As and Pb con-centrations in rice grains were closely associated, and that Ni concentration in grains was negatively correlated with Zn concen-tration. Genotypic and environmental variation in Cd, Cr, As, Ni and Pb concentrations of grains, and the relationships between these heavy metals and Fe, Zn were investigated using 9 rice genotypes grown in 6 locations for two consecutive years. Significant genotypic variation was detected in the five heavy metal concentrations in grains, indicating the possibility to reduce the concentration of these heavy metals in grains through breeding approach. The environmental effect varied with metal, with Pb and Ni having greater variation than the other three metals. There was significant genotype- environment (location) interaction of the concentrations of all five heavy metals in grains, suggesting the importance of cultivar choice in producing rice with low heavy metal concentrations in grains for a given location. Correlation analysis showed that Cd and As, Cr and Ni, and As and Pb con-centrations in rice grains were closely associated, and that Ni concentration in grains was negatively correlated with Zn concen-tration.
摘要:本文就住宅园林设计中存在问题、住宅景观设计中存在的问题进行了分析并提出的对策。  Abstract: This paper analyzedresidential landscape design problems in residential landscape, the problems existing in the designand put forward countermeasu
摘要:由于现代住宅空间有限、居住环境不同、人们需求观念相异等因素存在,室内设计就需要综合考虑。而绿色环保作为家居设计的重要因素,对室内装潢设计有着重要的指导价值与现实意义。基于此,文章中以绿色环保作为家居设计的研究对象,展开了充分探讨。  关键词:室内设计;绿色环保;生活;空间;理念  Abstract: interior design needs comprehensive considerat