Quantitative amendment of high-field <sup>13</sup>C NMR spectra of coals

来源 :中国科学通报:英文版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lishuangjie2009
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HIGH-RESOLUTION solid state <sup>13</sup>C NMR spectroscopy has been a useful tool for the study of coalstructure.By the use of cross polarization(CP),magic angle spinning(MAS)and protonhigh-power decoupling(HPD)techniques,high-resolution soli
LET E be a real Banach space with norm ||&#183;||,E~* a uniformly convex dual space.Let K bea nonempty closed convex and bounded subset of E,T:K→K a continuous
集中范围作为并且在六晚二叠的高砷的煤的 Sb 从 Xingren 和 Xingyi 收集了,贵州省是 94.1 渭 g 路 g-1-3.2% 和 8.1 渭 g 路 g-1-120 渭 g 路 g-1 分别地。基于矿物学的分析,
SILICON is a quite important material in the application of energy resources technology. With the development of ion-implantation technique and the increasing i
DUE to their specific physical,chemical and mechanical properties and large application proba-bility in many fields,nanostructured materials have been developin
这是在从 Dabie 山与 UHP eclogites 联系的云石的碳同位素异例的一份报告。结果在 UHP 变态期间把限制放在外壳披风相互作用的度上。
锇为原始上面的披风(PUM ) 从 0.126 ~ 0.127 的同位素的比率 of187Os/188Os 根据关联 between187Os/188Os 和导出披风的捕虏体和 orogenic 橄榄岩的 Al2O3 被获得,它与 Allegr
这是由能源所幅射的每单位面积功率的一份报告和在一台脉搏线加速器驾驶的一台 pseudospark 分泌物设备生产的一根电子横梁的亮度测量。一台十差距的 pseudospark 设备在 200
Zheboshan 金存款,它在四川的边阶上位于鈥淕o ld 三角鈥 ? 区域。Gansu 和 Shaanxi 省,是很复杂的微罚款的传播金存款。就 ICPMS 大小和 Rb 和 Sr 同位素数据而言, orcforming
Greenish clays often occur as thin layers in Early Cretaceous shallow-water carbonatesediments of Istria where they mark the top of fining upwards sequences. Wh