
来源 :浙江农业大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:silversandcgliu
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杂交水稻首先在我国研究成功和大面积推广,目前对世界水稻生产已起了巨大的推动作用。近年来,全省各地随着杂交水稻的广泛种植,出现了水稻杂交种及其三系种子真实性和纯度检验的新问题。有些地区由于品系搞错和纯度不高,结果给杂交水稻生产带来了一定损失。因此,研究水稻杂交种及其三系种子的鉴定是当前杂交水稻生产中一个亟待解决的问题。由于杂种F_1(不育系×恢复系)的种子与不育系(不育系×保持系)的种子实际上都是在不育系植株上所产生,仅仅父本不同,所以当代种子的外部形态特征完全相似,很难根据一般形态特征加以鉴别以及测定其纯度。但杂种F_1的种子究竟已经包含了恢复系的遗传因素,其内在的遗传基础与不育系种子相比,肯定存在本质上的差异,从而可以设想在生理生化上亦与不育系和保持系不同。据此,我们开展了水稻杂交种及其三系种子鉴别的探索性研究。 First of all, hybrid rice has been successfully researched and popularized in our country. At present, it has played a huge role in promoting rice production in the world. In recent years, with the widespread cultivation of hybrid rice in various parts of the province, new problems have emerged in the authenticity and purity testing of rice hybrids and their three-line seeds. In some areas, the strain and purity of the strains are not high, resulting in some losses to the hybrid rice production. Therefore, to study the identification of rice hybrids and their three-line seeds is an urgent problem to be solved in current hybrid rice production. Since the seeds of the hybrid F_1 (sterile line × restorer line) and the seeds of the sterile line (sterile line × maintainer line) are actually produced on the male sterile line, only the male parent is different, the seed of the present-day seed Morphological features are completely similar, it is difficult to identify according to the general morphological characteristics and determination of its purity. However, the hybrid F_1 seeds already contain the genetic elements of the restorer line, and their inherent genetic basis is definitely different from that of CMS lines. Therefore, it is conceivable that there is certain biophysical and biochemical correlation with the CMS and maintainer lines different. Based on this, we conducted exploratory research on the identification of rice hybrids and their three-line seeds.
意大利黑麦草(Lolium multiflorumLam.)(以下简称黑麦草),为一年生禾本科植物,原产地中海一带. Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorumLam.) (Hereinafter referred to as r