Properties of Low Surface Energy Fluorocarbon Polymers with Fluoro-acrylic Resins

来源 :Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pkbaby
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The low surface energy fluorocarbon polymer from the synthesized fluoro-acrylic resins was developed.Then the molecule orientation principle of nonpolar and polar functional groups in the polymers was analyzed.And the contact angles of pure water drops on the surfaces of various fluoro-monomer homopolymers and interpolymers were measured.So the relation of polymers’fluoro-content with the surface energy was determined.The distribution of fluoric functional groups in the polymers was investigated.And the test results show that though the total fluorine content of the fluorocarbon polymers is relative few,their surface energy is really low due to the enrichment of fluoro-chains on the polymers surface. The low surface energy fluorocarbon polymer from the synthesized fluoro-acrylic resins was developed. Chen the molecule orientation principle of nonpolar and polar functional groups in the polymers was analyzed. And the contact angles of pure water drops on the surfaces of various fluoro-monomer homopolymers and interpolymers were measured. the relation of polymers’ fluoro-content with the surface energy was determined. distribution of fluoric functional groups in the polymers was investigated. And the test results show that though the total content of the fluorocarbon polymers is relative few, their surface energy is really low due to the enrichment of fluoro-chains on the polymers surface.
从前,有一只鹧鸪,在一处山林的草丛里安了一个窝,它的窝不但能遮风挡雨,而且还舒适透气,是一个很不错的栖居之地。  有一天,鹧鸪离开它的窝,去一个很远的地方觅食。这一去就是好些日子。其间,一只兔子来到这里,发现了鹧鸪的窝,就住了进去。可是,过了几天,鹧鸪回来了,对兔子的行为十分生气。  “喂,兔子,”鹧鸪怒道:“你怎么能趁我不在的时候霸占我的窝呢?出来,赶快出来!”  “你凭什么说是你的?”兔子也不
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