南京纺织工贸实业(集团)公司五年来以改革为动力,以调整为手段,以发展为目的,勇于创新,大胆探索,走出了一条自强自立、负重拼搏、改造重组、化劣为优、深化改革、自我发展的成功之路,这就是“牛首山之路”。 自强自立 改造重组 1988年8月,为了适应形势,发展外向型经济,南京市纺织工业公司成立了纺织工贸开发总公司,专门承担南京纺织产品及其市场的开发。由于抓住了改革开放的大好机遇,南京纺织工贸开发公司这个仅有员工30余名、固
In the past five years, Nanjing Textile Industry and Trade Industry (Group) Co., Ltd. has taken reform as the driving force, with adjustment as a means, and with development as its goal. It is brave to innovate and explore boldly. It has developed a self-reliant, self-supporting, hard-working, reforming and reorganizing system, and it has been excellent and deepened. The road to success in reform and self-development is the “road to the Niushou Mountain.” Self-reliant and self-reliant transformation and reconstruction In August 1988, in order to adapt to the situation and develop an export-oriented economy, Nanjing Textile Industry Company established the Textile Industry and Trade Development Corporation, which was responsible for the development of Nanjing’s textile products and its market. Thanks to the great opportunity of reform and opening up, Nanjing Textile Industry and Trade Development Co., Ltd. has only 30 employees,