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素质教育讲了多年,而减轻中小学生负担过重问题却一直未能解决,以至先后制定客观可行性措施,把“减负”作为贯彻中央、国务院《关于深化教育改革全面推进素质教育的决定》的一项重要措施,进行广泛动员,全面部署,坚决解决好这个在很多方面仍未能很好地解决的同题。可见此问题的严重程度,也可见政府站在时代高度所下的决心之大。现在关键就看各级教育部门、各中小学校和广大教师、家长以及社会相关部门的关心和行动了。人们对此可能会有三种不同的态度和应答:(一)进一步深入学习,贯彻中央《决定》,真正领会素质教育的精神实质,密切结合实际,从“减负”做起,大力深化中小学教育教学改革:(二)从道理上能对“减负”有一定认识,在行动上也能走出一些步子,而实际上却又限于隔靴搔痒,缺乏应有的“减负”力度;(三) Quality education has been around for many years. However, it has not been able to solve the problem of over-burdening primary and secondary school students. As a result, it has successively formulated objective and feasible measures to implement “the burden reduction” on the “decision of deepening education reform and promoting quality education in an all-round way ”An important measure to carry out a broad mobilization and comprehensive deployment and resolutely solve this problem that in many ways has not been well resolved. We can see the severity of the problem and the determination of the government standing at the height of the times. Now the key to see the education departments at all levels, all primary and secondary schools and the majority of teachers, parents and relevant departments of society concerned and action. People may have three different attitudes and responses to this: (1) To further deepen the study and implementation of the Central Government’s “decision” and truly understand the essence of quality-oriented education; to closely integrate with reality, start from “reducing burdens” and deepen Teaching reform in primary education: (2) From the truth, we can get a sense of “burden reduction” and can take some steps in our actions. In practice, however, we are limited to the following problems: lack of due diligence; (three)
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