“Giant pressure shadow” structure and ore-finding method of tectonic stress field in the Tongchang C

来源 :Chinese Journal of Geochemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gaoliksk
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The Tongchang orefield is located in the central part of the Mianxian-Lueyang-Yangpingguan area that is celebrated as a ’gold triangle’ area,at the juncture of the latitudinal tectonic zone of South Qinling,the Longmenshan Cathysian tectonic zone and the Sichuan-Yunnan longitudinal tectonic zone,where there are distributed Cu-Au polymetallic ore deposits(occurrences) including the Tongchang,Chenjiaba,Qinjiabian,Hongtushi,Yinshangou and Xiakouyi ore deposits(mineralization).Based on the “giant pressure shadow” structure put forward and demonstrated by numerical modeling of the tectonic stress field and the static photoelasticity experiments on the basis of tectonic ore-controlling laws in the orefield,tectonic metallogenesis driven by orefield tectonic stress has been discussed in terms of its geological setting,orefield geomechanics,and tectonic stress field.It is thought that the dynamic evolution model of the tectonic stress field controls the whole process of formation of the polymetallic ore deposits(mineralization) in the orefield,as well as the deformation field.As a result,it controls the emplacement of rockbodies and the transformation of ore-source bodies,and provides both the channel-ways for ore-forming fluids and ore-hosting space.Furthermore,it controls the migration potential field of fluids and,thereafter,its flow direction,rate and volume;the tectonic stress field also controls the energy field and hence controls the position of occurrence of ore deposits and their scale.The method of tectonic stress field has been applied to ore prognosis in the orefield.The rules of magmatic emplacement and metallogenic fluid migrating and concentrating under the control of the structural stress field were expounded,hence providing the theoretical basis for the prognosis of concealed ores.In addition,a number of important target areas have been defined.
旅游途中,“吃”往往能体现一个地方的文化。我在外地寻找饭馆,最喜欢跟风,随大流,听别人推荐,一般这样找到的饭馆,总不会太差。  我曾在丽江住半个月,每天早上吃的是云南米线、丽江粑粑、鸡豆凉粉之类的小吃。去菜市场买些西红柿、黄瓜,煮熟的玉米、茶叶蛋,作为午餐。晚餐定是要寻一家有特色的饭馆大吃一顿的。在丽江有一道菜很诱人,这就是纳西烤肉,烤肉外焦内嫩,蘸上胡椒、辣子、盐巴,又香又脆。旅游团队搞篝火晚会
本文推导出了包括液压转向系统的铰接转向工程机械的动态数学模型,该模型可用于研究铰接转向机械加速、制动和转向时的动态特性。 This paper deduces the dynamic mathemat
我和妻的性爱生活有阳光,也有雨露;有喜悦,也有彷徨,但我们时刻细心呵护,使得我们那曾经昏睡多年的性爱在阳光下终于苏醒了。  说实话,我与妻曾经“性福”过,也欢乐过。说起来,认识她还是因为一次偶然的机会。那次,我参加市团代会,我和妻恰好分在同一个小组的讨论会上。妻当时坐在那里很少发言,而我则侃侃而谈,她只是默默看着我,听我发言。当我发言完毕坐下时,我才突然发现妻对我的热情关注,也开始注意到她的美丽与