小黑是我的第一只宠物。当这只玲珑可爱、温顺乖巧的小黑狗来到我家时,我才十一岁。对当时稚幼、好奇心特强的我来说,这是多么值得欢呼雀跃的事啊! 在我的精心照料、百般呵护下,小黑与我逐渐亲密起来,我们成了一对“有福同享,有难同当”的好朋友。我总爱在放学之后,带着小黑到广阔的田野里去散步。这时,小黑可高兴了,它一会儿奔跑,一会儿驻足,一会儿仰头远望,一会儿低头嗅地。看着它那神气活现的样子,我的心里也乐滋滋的。那一段是我最快乐的时光。
Xiaohei is my first pet. When this exquisite, docile black dog came to my house, I was eleven years old. For me who was very young and curious at the time, it was something worthy of cheering! Under my meticulous care and utmost care, Xiao Hei and I gradually became close together. We became a pair of “blessed sharing”. There are hard-to-get friends. I always love to go for a walk after taking the school to the dark fields. At this time, Xiaohei was pleased. It ran for a while, stopped for a while, looked up for a while, and looked down for a moment. Looking at it with a look of excitement, my heart is also pleasing. That period is my happiest time.