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昨天上午,我还是乡电管站的财务会计,下午,乡长突然到电管站办公室,宣布财务会计交乡财政所所长担任.我们乡电管站是县电力局1997年8月下文成立的,直至1998年2月一直是独立核算,站长负责制,电力局下文批准我们电管站工作人员是3个人.可是1998年3月乡政府强行将电管站编入政府编制序列,安排乡党政办主任主管电管站工作.电管站的管理、收费及报销签字权由这位主任一人独搅. 我们电管站为了加强农电管理,快速维修及维护,经站务会议研究购买了两辆摩托车以便于下乡工作使用.这位主任接管后,将一辆车据为己有.主任干的全部是政府工作,只是电管站开会时来参加,核算报销非找他签字不可.电管站具体工作几乎没有干过,但这辆车电管站人员工作再紧,任何人不得使用. Yesterday morning, I was the financial manager of the township electricity management station. In the afternoon, the village chief suddenly went to the office of the electric management station and announced the financial accounting to the director of the Rural Finance Office. The electric power management station in our village was established by the county electric power bureau in August 1997. , Until February 1998, it has been an independent accounting system, and the headmaster is responsible for the system. The power bureau has approved the following three posts for the staff of the power management station. However, in March 1998, the township government forcibly incorporated the power management station into the government’s establishment sequence. The director of the township Party Administration Office is responsible for the work of the power management station. The power management station’s management, charging and reimbursement and signing rights are stifled by the director. The power management station is responsible for strengthening agricultural power management, rapid repair and maintenance, and research purchase through the depot conference. Two motorcycles were used to facilitate work in the countryside. After the director took over, he took a car for himself. The director did all the work of the government. He only attended the station and the accounting reimbursement did not sign him. No. The work of the power management station has barely been done, but the work of the power management station staff is no tighter, and no one can use it.
【日本《日本原子》 1998年 9月号报道】 关西电子公司和日本原子力发电公司(JAPC)宣布 ,计划从 2 0 10年开始乏燃料中间贮存设施的运营业务。在市政府 (包括福井县 )同意扩
三月刚刚过完了妇女节,这样的节日设置一方面体现出对女性的尊重,反面则映射出女性的弱势地位以及长久被淹没的话语权,同样作为女性成员,本期我选取的三篇小说全部出自女性作家之手。女性作家的笔触常常游历在敏感的表面,触摸着感情的深处,感同身受的置身于苦难之中,心意明了的诀别于世俗的不堪。在面对感情问题时,女性安然若素的外表下隐含着波澜壮阔的情感世界,她们踟蹰、臆想、隐忍、叹息、诀别、妥协......  8
提起四川省绵竹市东北镇的电价,大多数村民都知道天河村农户的电价最低,他们还知道天河村的村电工卢天友工作认真负责,赢得了村委对农电工作的支持. The electricity prices
多年来,农村用电一直是哪村电工管哪村,各自为政。这种管理模式由于电工是本村人,平时工作不出村,抬头是领导干部,低头是近友亲邻,很难杜绝“关 For many years, the electr
1 邱县供用电市场概况及分析河北省邱县电力局为冀南电网趸售县局之一,有干部职工155人,担负着全县7个乡镇,218个行政村的供用电任务.35千伏变电站4座,35千伏线路6条55千米,1
企业名称综合指数100.4287.2566.7413].87排}吕资产名}贞献率排博产保值排}资产“卜}流动资产名}增值率名}负债率名}}翻专率本费用排险员劳动排品排名}销售率名排名100 103 9
【欧洲核学会《核新闻网》 1999年 6月18日报道】 世界上两家最权威的科研机构最近发表了一份联合报告 ,认为为了解决京都气候变化协议中所列的最主要问题的挑战 ,继续选择