
来源 :施工企业管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:himayu
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一靠现代企业制度 据统计,2001年我国新增境外投资企业312家,我国的企业不断走出去;但客观地说,我国许多境外投资企业与外国跨国公司巨头比较起来,国际竞争力还不够。究其原因,主要在于适应全球市场竞争的现代企业制度多数还没有建立起来。这同时也是许多国内企业家感到困惑的一点——走出去后参与国际市场竞争,与对手比产品和资本,还旗鼓相当;但在企业制度和企业管理上却算不上国际化,与对手差了一大截,而就是这个差距拉低了我国企业国际竞争力的分值。 跨国公司的含义,一是企业机制适应国际贸易和投资的需要,即企业制度的国际化;二是企业的经营行业包括投资、融资、生产、销售等方面的国际化。但中国目前的境外投资和经营企业多是经济体制改革的产物,具有发展中国家企业国际化初级阶段的明显特征。我国从事国际化经营的主体中,占主导地位的是大型国有集团公司以及国有股占控股地位的股份制企业,与真正意义上的跨国公司比较,企业决策机制和内部管理机制等方面还存在差别。 According to statistics, in 2001, 312 new overseas-invested enterprises were added in our country, and our enterprises continued to go abroad. However, objectively speaking, many overseas-invested enterprises in our country are not sufficiently competitive internationally with multinational giants. The reason is that most of the modern enterprise systems that are adapted to global market competition have not been established yet. This is also the point that many domestic entrepreneurs feel puzzled - to go out and compete in the international market, and compete with their counterparts more than their products and capital. However, they are not internationalized in corporate systems and business management, A large section, but it is this gap has pulled down the international competitiveness of China's enterprises score. The meanings of multinational corporations include: First, the corporate mechanism adapts to the needs of international trade and investment, that is, the internationalization of the enterprise system. Second, the operating industries of enterprises include internationalization in investment, financing, production and sales. However, most of the current overseas investment and management enterprises in China are the result of economic structural reform and have the obvious characteristics of the initial stage of the internationalization of developing countries' enterprises. Among the main bodies engaged in international operations in our country, dominant state-owned group companies and joint-stock enterprises that hold the controlling share of state-owned shares dominate. Compared with truly multinational corporations, there are still some differences in decision-making mechanism and internal management mechanism among enterprises.
[目的 ]探讨福州市女性乳腺癌的危险因素。 [方法 ]对近 2年在福州市各大医院进行手术并经病理确诊为乳腺癌的 145名患者开展 1∶ 1配对的病例对照研究。资料使用 Epi- Info
角蝉不喜欢圣诞节。  圣诞歌每年都是那个调调,圣诞老人永远都是那副装扮,连孩子们接收礼物的袜子也总是挂在床头,不晓得换个地方……对昆虫界的百变大咖角蝉来说,这一成不变的一切实在无趣。所以,当小编向角蝉发出过节召集令,与读者共度圣诞,迎接新年时,它毫不犹豫地——答应了。而且,为了让大家过一个与众不同的节日,角蝉还调动许多重量级成员,给读者们设计了一个“好玩”的游戏。谁准备好了,就请翻到下一页,开始挑