天地交合而生万物,万物演化而有人类。人为生存而有劳作。劳作分化而有企业。 1 凡事预则立,不预则废。此乃人类 别于它物之一大特点。企业管理始于计划,计划有短中长之分。短者月季年,称计划;中者三五年,称规划;长者数十年乃至百年,称战略。为求计划科学合理,企业乃设专门之机构,使用长于此道之专才,问政于上,求策于下,调查市场于千里之外,研究信息于帷幄之内,借助电脑之功能,形成思路于文
Heaven and earth give birth to everything, everything evolves and there are humans. Man has labor for survival. There is a company divided by labor. 1 All things are pre-established, but they are not preconditioned. This is one of the great features of human beings. Enterprise management begins with planning, with short, medium, and long-term plans. In the short months of the year, the plan is called; in the middle of the three or five years, the plan is called; the elderly are decades or even a hundred years old, and they are called strategies. In order to make the plan scientific and rational, companies are specialized agencies that use specialized talents who are long on the road, ask the government, seek strategies, investigate the market thousands of miles away, and research information within a computer system. Way of thinking