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我们维护了别人的自尊,才能赢得友谊。友谊不需要虚伪的恭维、讨好,只要设身处地为对方着想,为别人开出一朵花就可以了。1我和林宇是初中同学,并且一起考进了市一中。在新的学校新的班级里,我们的关系比过去更加密切了,而且很快就和班上的其他同学打成一片。可是才过了几个月,生性活泼、爱说爱闹的我却渐渐被班上的同学孤立了起来,谁也不愿意和我多说话,更不喜欢和我玩。有些女生还公开表示对我的排斥。 We maintain the self-esteem of others in order to win friendship. Friendship does not require hypocritical compliment, please, as long as the place for the sake of each other, give someone a flower on it. 1 I and Lin Yu junior high school classmates, and admitted to the city together. In the new class of the new school, our relationship is closer than in the past, and soon we are grouped with other classmates. But only after a few months, lively and lively, I love love that I gradually separated by classmates up, who do not want to talk to me, but do not like playing with me. Some girls have also publicly stated their rejection of me.
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案例:  刘兵大学毕业后留在北京某公司工作,巨大的竞争压力,让他做梦都想考回家乡去。公务员考试、事业单位考试,每一次的结果都令他失望。年龄越来越大,男大当婚,年迈的父母催得急,刘兵不得不开始考虑自己的婚姻大事。  徐莹出现在刘兵眼前时,他觉得这就是自己想要的姑娘。有了女友,刘兵的生活变得丰富多彩,考试的愿望慢慢淡了下来,他开始准备存钱,打算在这个繁华的城市里安个家。  不久,老家新一轮的事业单位招
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