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目前划乡工作已逐步地在全省范围内展开了。划乡工作是一个很细密的思想工作和组织工作。为使这个工作能够比较有条不紊地循序地顺利进行,因此特研究与拟定这个划乡工作进行程序,用作各地在进行划乡时的参考。划乡工作是在繁忙的农事生产季节进行的。了解了这个特点,这就要求我们在进行划乡的整个过程中,自始至终地密切围绕着生产工作去进行,必须把划乡工作放在服从于生产的地位,任何脱离开生产工作孤立地去进行划乡工作都是不允许的。对于这条原则,必须坚决遵守,不能有丝毫的违背或放松。「划乡工作进行程序」所要解决的问题,是研究在一个乡中应该 At present, the task of planning rural areas has gradually been carried out within the province. Zhaoxiang work is a very careful ideological work and organizational work. In order to enable this work to be carried out in an orderly and orderly manner, it is necessary to study and formulate this zoning work program to be used as a reference for all localities in their zoning. Township planning is carried out during the busy agricultural production season. Understanding this characteristic requires that we closely follow the production work throughout the entire process of planning the village and that we must put the planning of rural work in a position of obeying production and any work in isolation from the production Rural planning work is not allowed. We must resolutely abide by this principle and can not allow the slightest violation or relaxation. The problem to be solved in the “procedure of zoning township work” is to study in a rural area what should be done
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