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说起癌症,大概许多人都会心头一紧。的确,目前,肿瘤在各类疾病中已成为一种常见病和多发病,同时也是危害人类健康最严重的一类疾病。我国1992年卫生事业发展情况统计公报表明,城市地区居民恶性肿瘤死亡率居死因的第一位。随着我国人口老龄化的进程,加之城市人口比例逐年增高,城镇工业生产迅速发展,环境污染日益严重,吸烟等不良生活习惯相当普遍,如果不采取积极的宣传教育措施,肿瘤的危害性将会日益增加。人们也许会问了,在日常生活中究竟有哪些因素是造成肿瘤发生的可能因素呢?是不是许多物质都可能致癌呢?事实上,肿癌是一种多因素引起的疾病,引起肿瘤发生的原因也很复杂,但并不是说处在这种情况下人人都会发生肿瘤。这是为什么呢?本期我们就围绕肿瘤这个主题来做一些介绍。至于肿瘤如何预防、如何治疗以及目前随着医学的发展在肿瘤的防治方面有了哪些新的进展,您在以下的介绍中都可以读到。现在首先让我们来看一看—— Speaking of cancer, probably many people will have a hard time. Indeed, at present, tumors have become a common and frequently-occurring disease in various diseases, and they are also the most serious diseases that endanger human health. Statistical Communiques on the Development of Health in China in 1992 showed that the death rate of malignant tumors among urban residents was the first cause of death. With the aging of China’s population and the increasing proportion of urban population, industrial production in cities and towns is rapidly developing. Environmental pollution is increasingly serious. Smoking and other unhealthy habits are common. If we do not take active publicity and education measures, the harm of cancer will be Increasingly. People may ask, what factors in daily life are the possible causes of cancer? Is it possible that many substances may cause cancer? In fact, swollen cancer is a multifactor-induced disease that causes tumors. The reason is also very complicated, but it does not mean that everyone in this situation will have a tumor. Why is this? In this issue we will make some introductions around the topic of cancer. As for how to prevent tumors, how to treat them, and what new advances have been made in the prevention and treatment of cancer with the development of medicine, you can read it in the following introduction. Let us first take a look at it now.
索尔仁尼琴是历来备受争议的一位俄罗斯作家,一生饱经磨难,对于这位诺贝尔文学奖获得者,笔者认为他的精神力量是无穷的,本文对其精神进行了剖析。 Solzhenitsyn is a Russia
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