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西藏这块世界最高、最大、最年轻的高原,有着独特的高原气候、众多的雪山湖泊和多彩的民谷风情。每到夏季,来自世界各地的或怀有城市疾病、或找寻创作灵感、或默默承受大自然考验的漂泊者们便洒落在这块神秘土的的角角落落,享受心灵与大自然的共鸣。早几年,我也曾到边缘藏区流浪过两次,始终未敢进入其腹地,可这次终未摆脱其诱或,乘飞机直抵她的政治、文化、经济、宗教中心——拉萨,开始了两个月的漂泊生活。 Tibet, the tallest, the largest and youngest plateau in the world, has a unique plateau climate, numerous snow-capped mountains and lakes and colorful Min Valley views. Every summer, wanderers from all over the world who harbor urban diseases, find creative inspiration, or silently bear the test of nature sprinkle on the corner of this mysterious land and enjoy the harmony between soul and nature. A few years ago, I went to wandering in the Tibetan border areas twice before and never dared to enter the hinterland. However, this time I did not get rid of the lure or flight to reach her political, cultural, economic and religious center - Lhasa. Begin two months of wandering life.
元旦:大丽花、金桔、瓜叶菊、连翘等,象征富贵与吉祥。 春节:桃梅、金桔、金鱼草、杜鹃花等,寓意事业顺利,财运发达。 情人节:每天的2月14日是玫瑰花的天下,妩媚妖艳,芳香醉
菩提岛——金银滩海滨 位于河北乐亭西南渤海湾中,岛上自然植被覆盖率达98%,自然环境现原始状态。野生动物繁多,仅鸟类就有400多种。故有八岛之奇——荒岛、海岛、沙岛、大岛
树木是人类赖以生存的重要条件。我国地域辽阔,民族众多,各地都有不少植树爱树习俗。 添丁增口必植树 江西省婺源县部分地方,迄今仍保持“添丁增口必植树’”的习俗。不管谁家,也
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。情人节浮世绘@CHY Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile. Valentine’s D
1.九华山(安徽) 国家森林公园,中国佛教四大名山之一,在安徽青阳县西南,面积100余平方公里。有99峰,以天台、莲华、天柱、十王等九峰最为雄伟。主峰十王峰海拔1342米。山中
眼前一潭碧水身后崇山叠嶂古亭不见家乡的翠柏阳光漫步银色的小桥南方的桥娇小却有湍流的澳水缤纷的双目只是不见北方的雪飘小桥——云南丽江黑龙潭即兴@凤吉 An empty pond
The rheological behavior, thermal properties and foam morphology of linear polypropylene and long chain branching polypropylene prepared through UV irradiation
One novel(named palcernuine, 1) and five known cernuane-type(2–6) alkaloids were isolated from the whole plant of Palhinhaea cernua f. sikkimensis. The structu