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深圳进行第二次创业,需要诸多条件去配合去保证去推动,发挥区位优势是重要条件之一.过去讲区位优势的不少,谈区位弱化的也有.其实,如何科学的认识区位优势,并求在更高层次上发挥区位优势,不是单凭感觉和现象就能做到的,它需要理性和实践,才能真正揭示区位的本质和释放区位势能.“区位” 一词虽未收录入“辞海”,但我们的先哲早有认识.古人云:天时地利人和,致胜之道.“地利”者可作为区位优势之解也,只不过我们的老祖宗没有创立“区位论” 罢了.何谓区位,除作为空间的位置解释外,尚包含为特定目的而标定的地区的意思.区位优势,是指在空间位置上及其相关因素占有胜过对方的形势.“区位论” 是指从空间和地域方面研究自然现象、社会现象和经 Shenzhen for the second start-up, you need a lot of conditions to cooperate to ensure that to promote and play the advantages of location is one of the important conditions in the past speaking a lot of location advantages, talk about the weakening of the location there. In fact, how scientific understanding of the geographical advantages and It is not only sensations and phenomena that we can achieve the superiority of location at a higher level. It requires rationality and practice in order to truly reveal the nature of the location and release the potential of the location. Although the term “location” has not been included in “Cihai However, our ancestors have known for a long time. The ancients said that the favorable conditions of time and place, and the way to victory, can also be used as the solution to the geographical advantage, except that our ancestors did not create ”location theory.“ What is location , Except as a spatial interpretation of the location, but also for the purpose of a specific purpose of calibration of the region means the location advantage, refers to the space position and its related factors occupy each other’s situation than the ”location theory" refers to the space and Geographical study of natural phenomena, social phenomena and by
目的 探讨小檗碱对脂肪细胞分化的影响和其机制。方法 培养3T3-L1前脂肪细胞。以四甲基偶氮唑盐(MTT)方法检测3T3-L1前脂肪细胞的增殖,以油红O染色检测3T3-L1脂肪细胞分化过
<正> 油画《路障》发表在今年《美术》第一期。读了作者的创作体会:《<路障>的创作构思》,才知道作者企图通过路障来比喻“妨碍四化建设的弊端”,反映更深刻的社会问题。于是
活动目标:1.学习新单词:willow(垂柳)、swallow(燕子)、tadpole(蝌蚪)。句子:What do you find ? I find…
<正> 分数、百分数应用题是小学教学中的难点,因其类型多,数量关系复杂,学生在解题时往往难以确定采用何种方法。为此,教师在讲清分数乘除法应用题的基本解法和算理后,还须采