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一.一件小事体现一条“生意经”的犀利某自认为是聪明的消费者,被交际圈内的所有人称为“理性分析的巾帼英雄”的女士,叙说了自己的一次消费经历:有一回逛街,遇上一个平价品牌在打折,便认真挑了两件上衣排队去付款。收款小姐说:“两件8折,三件5折。”我一时没回过意来,但凭直觉反问收款小姐:“有差别吗?”收款小姐嫣然一笑,没有回答。我却傻傻地站在那里,花了一分多钟的时间才在心里把账面盘算清楚:“对呀,只有傻瓜才会买两件而不是买三件,因为买三件不仅比两件多了一件,买三件的钱比买两件的钱还要少。”“付更少的钱还平白多了一件衣服,何乐而不为?”我拎着三件衣服走出收款专柜,乖乖地服膺了收款员小姐告诉的商品促销逻辑。本来可以什么都不买的,可打折却让人见奇心喜;本来可以只买一件的,但算算看看,一件九折,两件八折,早晚用得着,何不就买上两件?本来两件就足够了,但买三件比买两件还便宜,为何不再挑一件呢? one. A trivial matter embodies a sharp consumer who believes to be a smart consumer and is called “a heroine of rational analysis” by everyone in the circle of communication. She describes her own experience of spending one time: shopping. The last cheap brand was at a discount, and then carefully selected two shirts to line up to pay. The collecting lady said: “Two 20% off, 30% off.” I didn’t get back in time, but instinctively asked the receiving lady: “Is there a difference?” Miss Ms. smiled and did not answer. I stood there innocently and spent more than a minute of time thinking about it in my heart. “Yes, only fools will buy two things instead of three, because buying three things is not only two things. There is one more thing. Buying three pieces of money is less than buying two pieces of money.” “Fewer money and more white clothes, why not?” I walked out of three clothes. The counters slammed the merchandise promotion logic that the cashier said. I could have bought nothing at all, but I was surprised to see discounts. I could have bought only one thing, but if I had to take a look, I would have to pay 10% off, 20% off, and sooner or later, why not buy it? Two of the original two are sufficient, but buying three is cheaper than buying two. Why not pick one?
An estimated 2,000people died in the 23-24May floods that hit Haitiand the Dominican Repub-lic,the more prosperousof the two countries which share the Caribbea
如今,在崇尚个性的今天,定做礼服似乎成为了紧跟时尚和最为经济的一种手段,于是,礼服定做店在众多成衣店中脱颖而出。定做小礼服的顾客多为追求个性、具备一定消费水平的白领女性。    前期投入:  投资这样一家致力于礼服定做的店铺大约需要10万元,需要为3万元的首批存货、4.5万元首期房租以及1.5万元的简单装修和设备。对于经营服装本身而言,对店铺面积并没有太大的要求,但由于其中有较大比重的定做业务,需
Beautiful ensemble ofsoft leather pants wornunder long-sleeved tu-nic(束腰外衣)tied atwaist with wrap belt Ac-cessorized with boots andfedora(软呢制的)hat. Be
项目分析:  由于粮价长期居高,而畜牧产品价格相对偏低,养殖业一直处于微利状态。但近年来,生鲜肉价格稳步上涨,养殖户对家畜饲料的需求有所增加;另一方面,在畜牧业生产中普遍采用抗生素以防止疾病,畜禽产品中会有药物残留,因而影响产品销售。若采用生物发酵技术,加工生物活性饲料发展养殖,可满足生产销售需求,具有很高的经济效益。  项目特点:  生物饲料生产采用有益微生物菌群发酵。基本原料为各种植物秸秆、鸡
Dear Friends,English Salon has asked me some excellent questions.Hereaxe my responses:You seem to be sort of a mysterious man in readers’eyes.Would you please
项目概述:    该系统彻底摒弃价格昂贵的专业立体相机和天价;中印设备,只需普通电脑就能够把任何一幅平面照片在短短的时间内转化成栩栩如生的立体图像,然后打印、装帧即可。可制作真立体图像、假立体图像、真假一体立体图像、立体变幻一体图像、立体名片等各种效果的立体图像。可将普通的平面照片转化为层次分明,立体多变的精彩画面;通过数字技术与光学技术的巧妙结合,立刻生成重叠的三维立体效果,景物远近不同,具有极
想知道美国大学生是如何学习和做研究的吗?那就看看 James Seppi 同学的“宝石组”将现实与计算机数据混合而成的世界一番什么样的风景。James Seppi 是本刊特约作者,现为美
Car Free Day,which began in France in 1998,aims toincrease the awareness of the public and decision makersof the negative impacts of the dominant effect that c