Effects of Rolling Processes on Bainite and Mechanical Properties of Ultra-High Strength Pipeline St

来源 :Journal of Iron and Steel Research(International) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong593
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Ultra-high strength pipeline steels were rolled by thermal mechanical controlling process (TMCP),and effects of the volume fraction,the size and microstructure morphologies of three different bainite (AF,GB and LB) on mechanical properties were investigated by optical microscope.The results showed that,X120 ultra-high strength pipeline steel was rolled through the reasonable thermal mechanical controlling process (TMCP),and the yield strength and the low temperature charpy impact energy (-30℃) were higher than 840MPa and above 230J,respectively,meanwhile,the ratios of tensile strength to yield strength were lower below 0.82.As for X100 pipeline,of which the mechanical property were higher than that by X100 pipeline steel of ISO standard,yield strength of the steel was 715 MPa,ultimate tensile strength 963 MPa,impact energy 282J,and yield ratio 0.74. Ultra-high strength pipeline steels were rolled by thermal mechanical controlling process (TMCP), and effects of the volume fraction, the size and microstructure morphologies of three different bainite (AF, GB and LB) on mechanical properties were investigated by optical microscope. Results showed that, X120 ultra-high strength pipeline steel was rolled through the reasonable thermal mechanical controlling process (TMCP), and the yield strength and the low temperature charpy impact energy (-30 ° C) were higher than 840 MPa and above 230J, respectively, meanwhile, the ratios of tensile strength to yield strength were lower below 0.82.As for X100 pipeline, of which the mechanical property were higher than that by X100 pipeline steel of ISO standard, yield strength of the steel was 715 MPa, ultimate tensile strength 963 MPa, impact energy 282J, and yield ratio 0.74.
谷超豪(1926- ),数学家,复旦大学教授,中国科学院院士。浙江温州人。1948年毕业于浙江大学数学系,1953年起在复旦大学任教,1957年赴前苏联莫斯科大学进修,获科学博士学位。历任复旦大学副校长、中国科技大学校长。1980年当选为中国科学院数学物理学部委员,专长偏微分方程、微分几何和数学物理,撰有《齐性空间微分几何学》等专著。其研究成果“规范场数学结构”“非线性双曲型方程组和混合型偏微分方
中西医结合治疗肛肠病的进展第七讲溃疡性结肠炎诊治概况(下)李国栋,杜桓斌中国中医研究院广安门医院(100053)(接上期)0 治疗9.1、一般治疗 ①休息:急性期和暴发期患者应卧床休息。②饮食:应以
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