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犹太有句名言,叫做“没有卖不出去的豆子”。卖豆子的人如果没有卖出豆子,他就把豆子拿回来,加入水让它发芽,几天后就可以卖豆芽。如果豆芽卖不动,那么干脆让它长大些,卖豆苗。而豆苗如果卖不动,再让它长大些,移植到花盆里,当做盆景。如果盆景卖不出去,那么就再次移植到泥土里,让它长大,几个月后,它就会结出许多新豆子。一粒豆子变成成千上万颗豆子。 There is a famous saying in jewish, called “no beans that cannot be sold.” If a person selling beans does not sell beans, he will bring them back, add water to make it sprout, and sell bean sprouts in a few days. If the bean sprouts do not sell, simply let it grow and sell the bean sprouts. If the bean sprouts cannot be sold, let it grow and transplant it into a pot as a bonsai. If the bonsai cannot be sold, it will be transplanted into the soil again, let it grow, and after a few months, it will produce many new beans. A bean turns into tens of thousands of beans.
以南海荣耀国际金融中心为工程背景,对塔楼的12、23、35层、主屋面(169.75 m)及塔顶(179.50 m)楼层的外框架柱与核心筒进行设点观测。基于观测结果,得到从结构施工到结构封顶
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【题目】阅读下面文字,按要求作文。把握是力量和信心的表现。你多一份努力,就会多一份成功的把握。 [Title] Read the following text and write as required. Grasping is
“你笑,全世界的人都跟你笑;你哭,全世界只有你一个人在哭。” “You laugh, everyone in the world laughs at you; you cry, you are alone in the world crying.”