Self-assembly of insulated molecular wires of a water-soluble cationic PPV and anionic dendrons

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:daiap
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Insulated molecular wires of poly(phenylenevinylene) (PPV) were prepared by wrapping the conjugated backbones with dendrons through a noncovalent approach. It was found that electrostatic interaction between the quaternary ammonium groups of PPV-1 and the carboxylate moieties in dendrons induced the packing of dendrons along PPV-1 conjugated backbones. Absorption and emission spectroscopic examinations in solution and solid film indicated that the PPV-1 backbones adopted a more planar and isolated conformation in the complexes. Furthermore, interchain interactions in the complexes could be greatly reduced, improving the quantum yield of PPV-1. Insulated molecular wires of poly (phenylenevinylene) (PPV) were prepared by wrapping the conjugated backbones with dendrons through a noncovalent approach. It was found that electrostatic interaction between the quaternary ammonium groups of PPV-1 and the carboxylate moieties in dendrons induced the packing of dendrons along PPV-1 conjugated backbones. Absorption and emission spectroscopic examinations in solution and solid film indicated that the PPV-1 backbones adopted a more planar and isolated conformation in the complexes. Furthermore, interchain interactions in the complexes could be greatly reduced, improving the Quantum yield of PPV-1.
孙中山在去世的前一天,即1925年3月11日,预知自己将于12日晨离世。在此之前,孙中山对自己身体的病状已经感觉到不好了。1924年11月13日,孙中山从广州乘船北上时,在黄 Sun Ya
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