白纹伊蚊是传播登革热、乙脑等传染病的重要媒介蚊种。为此,我们于1983年6月—7月,在桂林市进行了调查,现将调查结果报告如下: 调查方法市区内以榕湖饭店、新码头路为调查点,郊区选定桂林机场、轮胎厂和陶瓷厂、七星公园的盆景及周围竹林和苗圃为调查点。每点调查50个以上的积水容器,(机场积水容器太少,故只调查了40个),用吸管吸取容器内的幼虫20条,不足20条者则全部采集。然后带回实验室进行分类鉴定,同时记录容器的名称、存放地点、积水温度、PH值及浑浊情况。
Aedes albopictus is an important mosquito species that spread Dengue, JE and other infectious diseases. To this end, we conducted a survey in Guilin from June to July 1983, and report the findings as follows: Method of investigation The Ronghu Lake Hotel and Xindadu Road in the urban area are surveyed. Guilin Airport is selected in the suburbs, Tire factory and ceramics factory, Seven Star Park bonsai and bamboo forest and nurseries around the investigation point. Each point survey of 50 or more water containers, (airport water container is too small, so only 40 were surveyed), with a straw pipette larvae 20, less than 20 were collected. Then brought back to the laboratory for classification and identification, while recording the name of the container, storage location, water temperature, PH value and turbidity conditions.