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企业改革过程中,职工心态状况往往起着某种决定性作用。要保证企业改革取得成功,必须注重职工心态这个问题,而且要采取有效的方法进行疏导,稳定职工的心态。一、稳定职工心态的几个关键问题企业的改革,必须依靠工人阶级自身的力量才能完成。企业在改革中,一要稳定职工的思想情绪,二要求得广大职工大力支持,三要鼓励职工积极投入,四要保护职工的饱满热情。这里面有几个关键的问题:(一)稳定职工思想情绪,关键在于政策的合理性。企业的改革,涉及到一个利益的重新分配问题,这是职工最为敏感的问题,弄不好,问题往往会出在这上边。然而,企业搞改革,又无法回避这一问题,这就需要我们花费点力气,尽量使分配政策趋于合理。首先,我们的政策要上符国家的总政策,不能另起炉灶、另搞一套。第二,是结合本企业的实际情况,根据国情来制定分配政策。第三,政策一旦运行,都要执行,要有保证政策执行的措施,不能有例外单位和例外个人,不能留有贵族角落,大家共同受约束。我们搞企业改革,要为职工造福,绝不能以权谋私。这是最大的 In the process of enterprise reform, the mentality of employees often plays a decisive role. To ensure the success of enterprise reform, we must pay attention to the issue of staff mentality, but also to take effective measures to ease and stabilize the mentality of workers. I. Several Key Issues for Stabilizing the Mentality of Employees The reform of enterprises must be completed by the working class’s own strength. Enterprises in the reform, we must stabilize the ideological and emotional workers, the second requires the support of the broad masses of workers, and third, we must encourage employees to actively invest, four to protect the full enthusiasm of workers. Here are a few key issues: (A) the emotional stability of workers, the key lies in the policy’s rationality. The reform of enterprises involves the issue of the redistribution of interests. This is the most sensitive issue for staff and workers. If the reform is not good, the problem often comes out on this issue. However, enterprises can not evade this issue through reform, which requires us to spend more effort to make the distribution policy more reasonable. First of all, our policy should follow the general policy of our country and we can not start with another set of plans. The second is to formulate a distribution policy based on the actual conditions of the enterprise. Third, once the policy is running, it must be implemented. Measures for guaranteeing the implementation of policies must be implemented. There should be no exception units and exception individuals. No aristocratic corners should be left behind and everyone should be bound together. We engage in enterprise reform, to benefit our workers, must not abuse power to seek personal gain. This is the largest
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