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对于中国古代文化思想方法的研究,研究者众且研究角度丰富。但综观而言,仍难言已打开了对概念、命题讨论的关系网。史宁中先生近年围绕着中国古代文化的思想方法,做出了独具匠心的、开创性的研究。按照史先生的对中国古代文化思想逻辑的挖掘思路对《老子》、《庄子》、《墨经》等中国古代经典典籍进行研读,以道、形、器为中国思想文化的基本术语展开继续研究,或许是一次不错的尝试。本组文章努力尝试发现并进一步确证:中国古代文化具有思辨性和大一统性的思想特征。将中国古代文化的思想逻辑与西方哲学的思想逻辑相互比较可以看出,中国古代文化的思想逻辑在发生时间上早于西方、在深刻性上高于西方、在理论形态上以辩证逻辑区别于西方哲学的形式逻辑。这种研究对于深入挖掘中国古代文化的思辨规律、思想特质、理论形态和发展脉络具有积极意义,对于当代中国人发扬中国古代文化的思想精髓,开创和建设中华民族共有精神家园也具有引导价值。 For the study of Chinese ancient ways of thinking and culture, researchers are rich in research perspectives. However, in conclusion, it is still hard to say that the network of concepts and propositions has been opened up. In recent years, Mr. Shi Ningzhong made distinctive and groundbreaking researches focusing on the thinking and methods of ancient Chinese culture. In accordance with Mr. Shi’s excavation of the logic of ancient Chinese cultural thinking on the “Lao Tzu”, “Zhuangzi”, “Mojing” and other ancient Chinese classics to study, with Tao, shape, device for the Chinese ideology and culture of the basic terminology continue to study , Perhaps a good attempt. This essay endeavors to discover and further confirm that the ancient Chinese culture possesses the characteristics of thinking and unification. Comparing the ideological logic of ancient Chinese culture with the ideological logic of Western philosophy, we can see that the ideological logic of ancient Chinese culture came earlier than that of the West, profoundly higher than that of the West, and dialectically separated from the theoretical form The Formal Logic of Western Philosophy. This kind of research is of positive significance for digging deeply into the speculative laws, ideological traits, theoretical forms and development context of ancient Chinese culture. It is also of guiding value to contemporary Chinese people to carry forward the ideological essence of ancient Chinese culture and create and build a common spiritual homeland for the Chinese nation.
针对现阶段各类坐标系间的高精度转换在定位导航等方面的重要理论意义和实用价值,根据现有的坐标转换模型设计了坐标转换框架,在坐标转换框架中确定一个中间坐标系,各个坐标系统之间的转换都通过中间坐标系来完成,从而建立框架下所有坐标系间的公共关系。新加入的坐标转换关系继承了坐标转换框架下原有的坐标转换关系,简化了新坐标系与框架下已有坐标系间的转化工作,坐标转换精度为20 cm,验证了使用坐标转换框架的可行性
在地理国情普查元数据内业编辑整理阶段,需要对轨迹整理的方法进行分析与比较,在Arc GIS环境中,本文探索出了一套质量好、精度高、效率高、实际操作性强的轨迹整理方法,利用追踪获取轨迹方法整理的外业调查元数据达到了验收与质量评定规定要求,在实际生产中可广泛应用。