
来源 :中国食物与营养 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangfan2050
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编者按: 大豆食品是一种优质食品,它的蛋白质含量远高于谷物与动物性食品,又没有高蛋白质动物性食品所带来的弊端,它所含有的一些活性物质,如卵磷脂、异黄酮、皂甙等,是目前重点开发的天然保健食品。目前,美国把添加大豆蛋白的食品列为保健食品,西方许多发达国家掀起大豆消费热。我国从1996年开始,实施国家“大豆行动计划”,以大豆食品代替部份动物性食品,改善经济落后地区居民营养状况,提高蛋白质,特别是优质蛋白质摄入水平。为了进一步贯彻落实《中国食物与营养发展纲要(2001—2010年)》中关于继续实施国家“大豆行动计划”,向广大消费者普及大豆食品营养知识,本刊从本期开始,与北京豆师傅食品科技发展有限责任公司共同开辟“大豆营养与健康”专栏。从而使越来越多的消费者能认识豆制品的营养价值与保健功能,形成一种多吃豆制品、吃好豆制品的社会时尚,从根本L提高全民族的健康水平。同时,唤起更多的有识之士,关注 大豆产业、支持豆制品行业快速健康的发展。 北京豆师傅食品科技发展有限责任公司,是一家以特许经营方式推广豆制品为主要业务的大型专业化公司。公司以振兴民族豆业、弘扬祖国豆腐义化为己任,以为国人提供优质大豆蛋白质食品、提高全民族健康水平为 Editor’s note: Soybean food is a high-quality food, its protein content is much higher than that of cereals and animal foods, and there are no drawbacks caused by high-protein animal foods. It contains some active substances, such as lecithin, iso Flavonoids, saponins, etc., are currently the focus of the development of natural health foods. At present, the United States lists foods supplemented with soy protein as health foods, and many western developed countries have started to consume soy. Since 1996, China has implemented the national “Soybean Action Plan” to replace some animal foods with soy foods to improve the nutritional status of residents in economically backward areas and increase the intake of protein, especially high-quality protein. In order to further implement the “China’s Food and Nutrition Development Outline (2001-2010)” regarding the continued implementation of the national “Soybean Action Plan” and popularize the knowledge of soybean food nutrition for the majority of consumers, this publication starts from this issue and is accompanied by the Beijing Bean Masters. Food Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd. jointly developed a “Soybean Nutrition and Health” column. As a result, more and more consumers can understand the nutritional value and health functions of soy products, form a social fashion that eats more soy products and eats better soy products, and improve the health of the entire nation from the fundamentals. At the same time, more insightful people are awakened, focusing on the soybean industry and supporting the rapid and healthy development of the soybean product industry. Beijing Dougushi Food Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd. is a large-scale specialized company that promotes soy products as its main business through franchising. The company revitalizes the national bean industry and promotes the motherland’s tofu’s ethical responsibility as its mission to provide high quality soy protein foods for the people and raise the national health level.
1 主要原材料及规格rn苯酚工业品 96%rn甲醛工业品 36%rn烧碱工业品 95%rnSO2 工业品95%rn2 制法rn磺甲基化酚-醛型合成鞣剂的制法是首先生成酚-醛缩合物,然后以SO2作磺化剂