中国科学院长沙农业现代化研究所研究员安瑞春等科技人员,经过10多年的艰苦努力,育成H504和H152两个玉米自交系,并于最近通过了由湖南省各部委组织的专家验收。 这两个玉米自交系的共同特点是:生育期适中,一般从出苗至成熟100天左右;抗逆性强,能抗大小叶斑病、丝黑穗病和青枯病;品
After more than 10 years of painstaking efforts, scientists such as An Ruichun, a researcher at Changsha Institute of Agricultural Modernization, Chinese Academy of Sciences, bred two maize inbred lines H504 and H152 and recently passed the acceptance by experts from various ministries in Hunan Province. Common features of these two maize inbred lines are: Moderate growth period, generally from emergence to maturity for about 100 days; Strong resistance to resistance to leaf spot disease, head smut and bacterial wilt;