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反腐倡廉,警钟长鸣。加大查办违法违纪案件的力度,严厉惩处腐败分子,是反腐败斗争的一项重要内容,是取信于民的一项重要措施。近两年来,在省委、省政府的领导下,我省严厉惩处了一批腐败分子,保持了对腐败分子的高压态势,密切了党群干群关系,赢得了人民的支持拥护。从下面揭示的大要案中,人们不难看出腐败分子的丑恶嘴脸和法纪的威严。 Fight corruption and advocacy, alarm bells and whistles. Increasing the intensity of investigating cases of violating laws and disciplines and severely punishing corrupt elements are an important part of the anti-corruption struggle and an important measure of gaining the trust of the people. In the past two years, under the leadership of the provincial party committee and the provincial government, the province has severely punished a number of corrupt elements, maintained a high pressure on corrupt elements, built a close relationship between the party and the masses and won the people’s support and support. It is not hard to see the ugly face of the corrupt elements and the dignity of law and order as revealed in the major proposals disclosed below.
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介绍P1394的基本框架,讨论P1394的定时传输功能。 Describes the basic framework of P1394 and discusses the timing transfer function of P1394.
198 7年 1月~ 1 997年 1 2月 ,我科收治支气管异物共 1 675例 ,异物种类达 53种之多。其中 1 9例患儿硬气管镜下取除异物失败而转胸外科开胸取异物。由于这些情况可供临床引以
本文利用MSC.Patran建立某轿车车室的声固耦合模型,并利用MSC.Nastran对它进行模态分析,最后分析了声固耦合系统的声学瞬态响应和频率响应。 In this paper, MSC.Patran was