Mosaicism and Meltpottism

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  Abstract:This article begins with the definition of the two words—— Mosaicism and Meltpottism, and further analyzes the difference of cultural patterns of Canada and America,and further discusses the reasons of the differences, and explores the remarkable significances of the differences in the global era, making a conclusion that it is important to adopt a active and optimistic attitude to deal with the differences between nations as well as countries, and all people of the world can live peaceful and harmoniously.
  Key words: Mosaicism and Meltpottism;difference;harmony
  The definition of the Mosaicism and Meltpottism
  Both Canada and America are developed counties in North American continent; they belonged to the British colonies in history. Although they have experienced different periods of development and enjoyed different ways of development, in the end, they became developed capitalist countries and enjoyed a very significant position in modern and contemporary times. They have big differences in climate and physical geography, history, population as well as in values and ideas. The cultural patterns are also different, which had experienced hundreds of years of accumulation. They are inveterate and unchangeable. These cultural patterns have remarkable significances in both countries' development and influenced the way of thinking and pattern of behavior of both counties in the coming years. To deeply think about the different cultural patterns of both countries, people are used to make a clear comparison of the two words—Canadian multiculturalism and American pluralism, but in common sense, multiculturalism in Canada refers to masaicism and pluralism in America refers to meltipottism. The basic meaning of mosaicism refers to condition where an individual has two or more cell populations that differ in genetic makeup. This situation can affect any type of cell, including blood cells, gametes (egg and sperm cells), and skin. Mosaicism occurs as a result of an error in cell division very early in fetal development. Symptoms vary from person to person and are very difficult to predict. When there are normal cells as well as abnormal cells, associated abnormalities may not be as severe. But the great deeper meaning of the mosaicism is used in architecture, which means glazed square or hexagon pottery and porcelain made in clay. It is also named brick with colored design or mosaic brick and it is hard, wearable, anticorrosion, antipollution, and washable. It is different in color and can be laid out as various designs characterized by strong ornamental qualities. It can be used inside and outside a room, such as wall space, earth surface, ceiling plate, wall face, prism face, and can be used to decorate garden buildings. The fresco enchased with mosaic is ornamentation with artistic expression in architecture. Conversely, melting pot means a container in which a substance is melted, and it is a term in industry that refers to a smelting furnace in which many things can be put together so as to make a new product. According to the definition of the two terms, the two terms have something in common— they mix different things and substances to make another new thing, but actually they are very different.The masaicism emphasize to create a new thing without changing any original different parts, while the meltipottism place much attention on the production of the new thing by means of changing the original different parts.When Canada is described as a mosaic, it means that each of the immigrant groups do not have to throw off their old customs, languages and traditions, because there is no particular concept of an overarching Canadian identity. This resembles a mosaic of different cultures which overlap but do not overwhelm each other. Canada is world renown for being one of the most tolerant, welcoming, and democratic countries in the world—a dynamic mosaic of multiculturalism where people live and work together in harmony. The Government of Canada is committed to a policy of diversity designed to preserve and enhance the multicultural heritage of Canadians, while striving to achieve equality in the economic, social, cultural and political aspects of Canada. As a nation, Canada is continually becoming more diverse in its practices, which requires residents to expand their knowledge and appreciate other cultures. Canada is internationally recognized as a culturally diverse nation that emphasizes the concept of "The Mosaic". No other country in the world encompasses inhabitants from so many different backgrounds who exhibit strong loyalty towards Canada, while still preserving their cultural heritage. This is contrasted to the American ideal of the "Melting Pot", which attempts to shape all of their citizens into a set mold. The melting pot theory is based on the belief that America is one large pot of soup. Anyone who comes to the United States assimilates himself or herself to all American belief systems. All cultural aspects are blended together to form a new race or culture of people where each ingredient has sacrificed its original identity. Cultures are thought to be a "melted" version of them that can no longer be easily distinguished. The melting pot theory would work fantastically if everyone who came to America were European. However, somehow people of non-European descent are left out of the equation. Thus, a mosaic society is a place where immigrants of different cultures or races gather together and each keeps its own identity, while a melting-pot society refers to a place where immigrants of different cultures or races gather together and form one integrated society.
  The reasons of the differences of the Mosaicism and Meltpottism
  As Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels mentioned in Letters to Americans that America was "purely bourgeois, so entirely without a feudal past." While Canada was much more hesitate and less optimistic in the future. It seemed to be much less faithful and was not willing to risk the capital. The big differences between mosaicism and meltpotticm are made from five aspects. The first one is that the people of Canada emphasize on mutual respect and support among different ethnic groups while the people of America put emphasis on assimilation among different ethnic groups. The second one is that the people of Canada try to avoid violence and conflicts to achieve peaceful coexistence. The third aspect is to be the Canadian good convention and practice. They respect peace, order and good government, while in America they have strong attachment to liberty, democracy, and Puritanism. This aspect is fully represented in the religion and values in the two countries. The fourth aspect is that Canadians pay much attention on collective survival but Americans place emphasis on individualism and materialism. It is reflected in the history and literature of the two countries. The fifth one is that Canada has a liberal and tolerant attitude toward natives and ethnic minorities" while America is much more aggressive which emphasize on civil rights and individual liberties. It is mainly represented in Canadian and American legal systems.
  As a result, Canada is a country which is famous for being one of the most tolerant, welcoming, and democratic countries in the world and people can live and work together in harmony. On the contrary, America is much more violent, aggressive and radical. As has been mentioned above, America is a country with pure capitalist tradition, while Canada is a country with European feudal tradition. From the historical perspective, American history is an expanding history and Canadian history is an anti-expanding history. This is closely related to the culture of these two countries. Canada culture "mosaicism", maintains passive assimilation with a conservative mind. While American culture "melting-pottism", advocates active assimilation with an open mind, this may probably be seen from their attitudes toward Indians. In Canada, the Indian ethnic groups were reserved. But in the United States, when the Europeans came to America, they killed the native Indians savagely. Thus, we can see that the differences between Canadian mosaicism and American melting-pottism, first of all, are closely associated with the culture of these two countries.
  The significance of the big differences
  By explaining the definition of the two terms of mosaicism and melting-pottism and analyzing the reasons of the differences, the conclusion can be made that the world is colorful and rich. As far as the cultural patterns of both countries are concerned, Canada and the United States have its splendidness. Canada is very different from America which has its own special characteristics including everything such as geography, history, police, economy, anthropology, literature, foreign policy and so on.One of the most things is that Canada has its own identity which is always negative by other countries in the world, especially by America. Although people think that Canada is an "American" country, since it shares the north continent with its neighbor to the south, and Visitors usually find more similarities than differences between Canada and America. A traveler who crosses the border between the two countries often notices no marked change in the countryside:the architecture is similar; farms look alike; billboards advertise the same products; people dress in the same way, eat the same kinds of food, play the same kinds of games, drive the sane kinds of cars, and often watch the same TV programs. But in 1977, a symposium was held in Washington, D. C. Northrop Frye, one of Canada's leading literary critics, gave the keynote address. His speech demonstrated Canadian preoccupation with identity, and his address began by contrasting Canadians and Americans. He states:it is generally assumed that English speaking Canadians can not be told apart from Americans, my American students often ask me if I notice much difference between teaching them and teaching Canadians in Toronto. They usually expect the answer to be no, but my answer is yes. American students have been conditioned from infancy to think of themselves as citizens of one of the world' great powers. Canadians are conditioned from infancy to think of themselves as citizens of a country of uncertain identity, a confusing past and a hazardous future. Because of the different cultural patterns, both countries have their own characteristics and splendiedness in every aspects, which is accumulated for hundred of years and is unchangeable. Although some ideas and values in America are valued by the people of Canada, they have their own identity.
  In the global era, the world is much smaller and the communication between counties is much closer. Every country has its own special characteristic which is very different from any other country.Therefore, it is very important to have a much broader mind to respect and support these differences. It is very essential to have an optimistic attitude towards the differences between countries. The difference of Canada and America in cultural pattern—mosaicism and meltpotticism is just an example. By this definite example, it is easy to get a conclusion that the whole world is very colorful. Canada is a country which is much more tolerant, welcoming, and democratic countries. Although America is much more aggressive and radical in dealing with some problems in the world, it still has its own characteristic which can not be replaced and changed by any other country. China is a developing country with long history, which is composed by Han nation and other minorities. The cultural pattern of China can be called multiculturalism, which means that Chinese government should adopt a proper and feasible policy which is only for Chinese people. No matter how different they are, they can live peacefully and harmoniously. As the president Mr Hu Jingtao said that China need peaceful and harmonious environment to develop, and people of all China can live in harmony to build a harmonious society. Therefore it is sensible to respect and support the differences between nations as well as countries and the people of all the world can also live in harmony in the global.
  [1]William Metcalfe and Roger Frank Swanson. 1982. Understanding Canada. New York University.
  [2]Janet Ajzenstat. 2004. Canada's Founding Debates. University of Toronto Press.
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