The Future of Counected Cars

来源 :China’s foreign Trade | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cuida3
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  "We already see many cars thathave Google onboard, and Facebookand Bloomberg updates," says SvenBeiker, the executive director for thecenter for automotive research at Stan-ford University in the US.
Pan Di, General Manager of Panda Fireworks said thatto cater to the market demand, the fireworks and firecrackersfor the 2013 Chinese Spring Festival will improve in termsof varieties, sound, fire-flo
These actions will help introduceChina's rapidly expanding pool of on-line shoppers to the Singapore AirlinesGroup network of 97 internationaldestinations, as well as its world classtravel products an
Some time-honored famousrestaurants, such as Quanjude,Fangshan, Fengzeyuan and Si.
The end of each yearalso witnessed the promotionof jewelry with the animalof year. Research reportswith high authorities say thatthere is still large growthspace for international goldprice.
Many e-commerce websites havefocused on promotion activities to en-tice customers for the holiday shoppingthis year.
Before the 2013 Chinese Spring FestiVal,food priceshavebeenon a sharp rise.
Recently, according to Ctrip, aChinese travel website, Sanyaranked No.1 among the do-mestic travel destinations andHong Kong as No.1 among the over-seas travel destinations.
Nowadays, for many people, get-ting a ticket mainly depends on theinternet speed and skills, rather thanenergy and patience.
The new phenomenon of "emptynesters" in China may shine light onthe answer.
According to statistics of the Customs, China's exports and im-ports in the year of 2012 reached $3.86676 trillion, up by 6.2% overthe same period of last year. Specifically, exports stood at $2.04893