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2008年04月28日4时41分,北京开往青岛的 T195次列车运行到胶济铁路周村至王村之间时脱线,与上行的烟台至徐州5034次列车相撞。这次新中国成立以来最大的一起列车相撞事故造成72人死亡,416人受伤。国务院“4·28”胶济铁路特大交通安全事故调查组认为,胶济铁路特大交通事故是一起典型的责任事故,济南铁路局在这次事故中暴露出两点突出问题:一是用文件代替限速调度指令.二是漏发临时限速指令,从而造成事发列车在限速80公里的路段上实际时速居然达到了131公里。这充分暴露了一些铁路运营企业安全生产认识不到位、领导不到位、责任不到位、隐患排查治理不到位和监督管理不到位的严重问题:反映了基层安全意识薄弱,现场管理存在严重漏洞。调查结果让我们在哀痛中有了一个清醒的认知——这次惨剧是“海恩法则”与“墨菲定律”的一次以生命和鲜血为代价的激烈碰撞,若干小小的“蚁穴”因量的累积而质变,最终瓦解了高耸的安全屏障,而让噬人的洪流肆虐奔腾。逝者已矣,胶济悲歌仍然在我们耳旁萦绕,然而,血的教训是否能让我们对企业的运营安全有所警觉,意识到“脱线”的危险也在时刻威胁着企业这部呼啸前行着的列车的安全?当墨菲定律成为悬在企业头颈之上的达摩克利斯之剑,深刻研读海恩法则来防患于未然,或许就是企业健康成长的唯一依赖。 At 04:41 on April 28, 2008, Beijing’s T195 train bound for Qingdao went off-line to the Jiaoji Railway between Zhoucun and Wangcun, and collided with the ascending Yantai-Xuzhou 5034 train. The largest train collision since the founding of New China caused 72 deaths and 416 injuries. State Department “4.28 ” serious traffic safety Jinan Railway accident investigation team believes that serious traffic accident Jinan Railway is a typical accident, Jinan Railway Bureau exposed the two outstanding issues in the accident: First, The document replaces the speed restriction instruction and the second one is to issue a temporary speed restriction instruction, resulting in the actual speed actually reaching 131 km on the section of 80 km speed limit. This fully exposed some railway operation safety production knowledge is not in place, the leadership is not in place, the responsibility is not in place, troubleshooting, governance is not in place and not in place supervision and management of serious problems: weak security reflects the grass-roots awareness, there are serious loopholes in site management. The survey gives us a clear understanding of sorrow - the tragedy was a fierce collision at the expense of life and blood with the “Hein law” and the “Murphy’s law.” A number of small “Anthill ” due to the accumulation of quality and change, eventually disintegrating the towering security barrier, leaving the torrent of people eating Pentium rampant. The deceased is already alive and the joking song still lingering around us. However, whether the lesson of blood can alert us to the safety of our business and realize that the danger of being “off-line” also threatens the enterprise at this moment Department of the train whistling before the safety? When Murphy’s law as a darling of the sword over the head and neck of enterprises, a thorough study of Hain’s rule to take preventive measures, perhaps the only dependent on the healthy growth of enterprises.
纪念日扫描: 3月3日,全国爱耳日;3月5日,毛主席发表“向雷锋同志学习”题词纪念目、中国青年志愿者服务日;3月8日,国际妇女节;3月12日,植树节;3月14日,国际警察日;3月15日,国
狐狸先生对国防大臣黑熊和外交大臣大灰狼一直心存不满。黑熊曾在不少场合发表过鄙视狐狸先生的言论。黑熊说:“狐狸是我们东不拉国的阴谋家,最著名的胆小鬼。” Mr. Fox ha
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观念一亚太经合组织在上海开会,中央电视台做了二次访谈节目,一个美国在华的女投资人说了让我记忆很深的一句话:“我们美国人吃香蕉是从 The concept of an APEC meeting in