
来源 :旅游纵览(下半月) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cyx810625
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随着时代的进步,旅游逐渐成大多数人选择的休闲方式。让游客在旅行中获得更优质和便捷的服务,让导游群体拥有更多的就业机会,让旅游产业成为国家的支柱产业,需要旅游管理体制跟上时代发展的步伐。新形势下的导游自由执业,要在全域旅游、跨区域导游观念的指导下,充分利用全国导游公共服务监管平台,利用网路、通讯、实体等多种渠道,打开工作思路,做好线上与线下正向融合、虚拟与现实良性互动,开辟多种形式的导游渠道,建立自己的导游网络。本文从提升导游自由职业理念高度、拓宽导游执业理念的维度、增添导游执业理念的温度三个方面对创新理念进行了思考。 With the progress of the times, tourism gradually becomes the leisure style chosen by most people. So that tourists can get more quality and convenient services while traveling so that the tourist groups have more employment opportunities and make the tourism industry become the pillar industries of the country. The tourism management system needs to keep pace with the development of the times. Under the guidance of the concept of global tourism and inter-regional tour guides, tour guides in the new situation should make full use of the national tour guide public service supervision platform and make use of various channels such as internet, communications and entities to open work ideas and make online Positive fusion with the line, virtual and realistic benign interaction, open up various forms of tour guide channels, establish their own tour guide network. This article from the promotion of freelance career guide height, broaden the tour guide practice the concept of dimension, add tour guide practice temperature three aspects of the concept of innovation were thinking.
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