
来源 :热带海洋 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:XINGQIPING
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本文利用1985年12月下旬至1986年1月下旬中国科学院织组实施的西太平洋热带海域海洋—大气考察期间所获得的常规水文气象资料,计算和分析了海-气交换通量的特征。阐明了海-气交换通量的逐时变化特征,八次定时观测的海-气交换通量的特征;热量交换的逐日变化、平均日变化和交换通量的概率分布。指出了该海域的感热、潜热通量的传输方向及其各自所占的比例。考察期间盛行东北风,海-气间动力相互作用是强的。 In this paper, the characteristics of sea-air exchange fluxes are calculated and analyzed using the conventional hydrographic and meteorological data acquired during the ocean-atmosphere survey conducted by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and weaving team from late December 1985 to January 1986 in the western Pacific. The characteristics of hourly variations of sea-air exchange flux, the characteristics of sea-air exchange flux of eight-times periodic observation, the daily change of heat exchange, the average diurnal variation and the probability distribution of exchange flux are illustrated. It points out the sensible heat and latent heat flux in the sea area and their respective proportions. Prevailing northeast wind during the inspection, sea-air dynamic interaction is strong.
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