时间追溯到1997年。深圳市宝安北路,人才大市场。来自全国各地的寻梦者,怀揣理想与希望,徘徊在人头攒动的招聘席前。对于无数初来深圳的有志青年来说,这里就是他们人生新旅途的始发站。 一个高个儿小伙子在熙熙攘攘的人流中显得格外引人注目。他先是细心地观察,然后像是下定了决心似的,在深圳人保的招聘席前递上了自己的简历。这一递,决定了从今往后,他的人生走上了一条全新的道路:一条通向全国保险业最高领奖台的道路,一条与深圳人保结下不解之缘的道路...... 他就是本文的主人公:程迈。
Time goes back to 1997. Bao’an North Road, Shenzhen, talent market. Seekers from all over the country, carrying the ideals and hopes, hovering in the crowded recruiting seats. For countless aspiring young people who came to Shenzhen, this is the starting point for their new journey in life. A tall boy is particularly noticeable in the bustling crowd. He first carefully observed, and then like a determined determination, the Shenzhen Baoan’s job posting before handing his resume. This handed down, decided from now on, his life embarked on a new path: a road leading to the national insurance podium, a bond with Shenzhen PICC ... He is the protagonist of this article: Cheng Mai.