患者26岁,住院号750681。于1975年4月28日,因横位在我院行子宫下段剖宫产,术后第1天下午出现下腹痛,第2天晨、腹痛加剧,呈绞痛状,以右下腹为重。呕吐4次,呕出黄色水状物,有粪臭味。既往健康,月经正常,无慢性疾病及传染病史。查体:T38.2C,P 110次/分,R22次/分,Bp118/84mmHg。急性痛苦病容,心肺正常。腹部膨胀,以右侧为重,可见肠型,全腹均有压痛,无反跳痛,肌张力不高,听诊未闻及肠鸣音。化验:WBC12×10~9/L,N0.75。X 线腹部平片:右侧结肠明显充气(X 线号:1296)。拟诊:剖宫产术后麻痹性肠梗阻。
Patient 26 years old, hospital number 750681. On April 28, 1975, due to horizontal cesarean section in our hospital under the line of uterus, the first day after the onset of abdominal pain on the first afternoon, the first two days of morning pain, aggravated colic, to the right lower quadrant. Vomit 4 times, vomit yellow water, fecal odor. Past health, normal menstruation, no chronic disease and infectious disease history. Examination: T38.2C, P 110 beats / min, R22 beats / min, Bp118 / 84mmHg. Acute pain, normal heart and lung. Abdominal swelling to the right as heavy, showing intestinal type, all abdominal tenderness, no rebound tenderness, muscle tension is not high, auscultation and bowel sounds heard. Laboratory: WBC12 × 10 ~ 9 / L, N0.75. X-ray abdomen plain film: the right colon was significantly inflated (X number: 1296). To be diagnosed: paralytic ileus after cesarean section.